Thursday, January 18, 2007

One-Third of Us Like Hockey

I've been very good. I know how much my co-writers dislike hockey and so I've done my best not to turn this into a blog about the New York Rangers or other aspects of the NHL. I have season tickets to the Rangers and thus have more direct access to that sport than any other but still, I behave myself.

However, I can't promise that this will always be the case, especially if the Rangers go far in the playoffs this spring. One thing that occurred to me, though: the NHL playoffs, like the NBA playoffs, go on into mid-June every year. I saw this article last week about a bride in New Orleans having some of her guests back out to attend the Saints home playoff game the same night and I sent it along to my future wife, saying "I hope the Rangers aren't in the Stanley Cup Finals that night." I don't think thought it was as funny as I did.

Oh, but on the subject of hockey -- and writing about it -- you should check out this site and in particular this column. The author is very handsome.