Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Programming Note

Over the summer, we were invited to participate in a new Google Group created specifically for "Big Ten Bloggers." We replied and said that sounded grand and we'd love to participate. We then forgot about it. (Well, let's face it... I forgot about it and, much like Kory Sheets, I dropped the ball -- thank you, thank you; I'll be here all week!)

Anyway, I got off my duff the other day and Boiled Sports joined up with many other Big Ten Bloggers around the country. It's kind of funny to be in a Google Group with guys whose loyalties you might otherwise be bashing on. But they're clearly a good group of loyal Big Ten-ers and we're proud to be a part of it.

So you'll see a few housekeeping things around here. Down on the right side, you'll see a feed for the various things being written about by the various Big Ten Bloggers. Keep in mind, we don't necessarily endorse any of it -- we're just helping our fellow man with their site traffic. But we do recommend checking it out -- you really do learn things about our opponents and how the "other side" thinks if you read some of these. Nearly all of them are excellent.

One of the weekly features is a roundtable that one of the sites hosts and each other site weighs in on. We're late to the game to focus on this week's but I think we'll definitely start chiming in on those. Another feature you may see in the coming weeks is a little back-and-forth between us and our opponent's blogs. A couple are already brewing.

So now you're up to date. Back to your regular programming.