Thursday, February 21, 2008

You know you're getting old when...

You know you're getting old when you start rapidly losing your hair/going gray...Or when you can't eat like you used to because you can feel your pants shrinking...Or when you see/hear a music video and say, "what in the hell is that, and how do they allow garbage like this to be produced?"

I had one of those moments this morning as I watched the offering "Higher" from Heidi Montag. First off, I had no clue who she was. I now know that she is from the pseudo-reality show "The Hills". So I guess it makes sense that an MTV vehicle would pimp its people this way...but come on. That woman can't sing, the song seems like it was written just before the filming began and the video, while fun to look at, seems to have been directed by either a puppy or someone from the cast of one of MTV's crappy shows.

If you haven't heard it, here's what it sounds like:
Hope you enjoyed that.


Anonymous said...

How is that different than ANYTHING that Paris Hilton puts out? And by put out, I mean she does her best work on her back. Hi-oh!

Anonymous said...

Still beats country music!!

J Money said...

It's my new favorite song!!!

boilerdowd said...

Watch your mouth, Eric.

Anonymous said...

my girlfriend loves that show. i hate it. all of those people are so STUPID yet for some reason drive $90,000 cars. the sad thing is, this heidi girl is one of the least retarded characters on there. mtv makes me hate this planet sometimes.

Anonymous said...

mo bioler - my fiancee loves that show too. She calls it her "bad side". I thought it would be something sexy, but no, it was watching an hour of that crapola.

Anonymous said...

Doug Flynn watches The Hills?