Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby Boilers Featured

Just to direct you to some national press we're finally seeing for the Boilers, ESPN in their typical fashion has finally caught up to the "Baby Boilers" terminology. And you can tell from the players' reactions and quotes that they're kind of tired of hearing it. Just in time for ESPN and CBS to beat it to death!

But hey, press is press. And they live in the Quad, which means they're our boys! Of course, this "shared bathroom" suite-sounding business is a bit newfangled to me, but whatever...


Purdue Matt said...

Loved your writeup on Deadspin today. As I was reading it, the style sounded familiar.

J Money said...

Thanks, man! We try.

J Money said...

I just went and looked at it... and what kind of sucks is that we worked in links to our site and others (sites of our readers) whenever we hit on a topic... i.e., Paint City, Smooge, etc.

Oh well.

T-Mill said...

If you live in the quad today it's not truly living in the Quad. Try living there as a freshman in 1998-99 jsut before the renovated. I have shoes bigger than that room, but I had to share it with a Korean guy that jerked off every night and no T-1 internet line.

I went home for the weekend a lot...

Anonymous said...

Could have been worse. You could have roomed with this guy:

Anonymous said...

the complete link is


Anonymous said...


How many times do I have to tell you? I am Irish, not Korean!!! My eyes just get squinty when I do that.


T-Mill said...


I didn't know you went byt he nickname Taz!

J Money said...

Yessir, all editors of this here site are familiar with the fannnntastic dimensions and qualities of "old" Cary Quad.

Tim and I were on SE third floor our freshman year ('94-'95) and boilerdowd lived in a number of rooms, including one of the sweet ones on the fourth floor of the South building. In fact, his name plate is up there.

Tim and I eventually ended up in SW 117, which was one of those weird, two-room "suites" that people were shocked existed. But at least Tim was able to mack women in a separate room.

Also? I scoff at your "no T1 line" lament... I came in '94 equipped with a 14.4 modem and it was "high speed." Also, I remember we had to go to Heavilon (I think) to request an email address... damn, we're getting old.

But yes, the current Cary inhabitants have no idea.

T-Mill said...

J --

My experience in the quad is the same as IU's in the Big Ten tournament this year.

One and done...

I moved on up to Hillenbrand the next year and that was pretty sweet after a year of purgatory.

J Money said...

Hillenbrandt was the "Hilton"!! It had just opened when we started there and I remember visiting people who lived there and it was like going to a luxury hotel...