It's not like IU will be playing Duke or some other evil entity, it'll be the cuddly Gophers (probably). So, as a Purdue fan, can you bring yourself to root for the Hoosiers, even for just one sultry regretful night? I think I can...Oh, I think I will.
I'm sure, I'll wake up the next morning feeling used, dirty and disgusting, but I want a damned rematch so much that I'll get into bed, at least for a few hours, with the enemy. Let's hope the 6:30 game goes according to plan first and then we have the opportunity to make such a choice.
Beating a team 3 times in one year is very difficult. That said, teams like Duke, Kansas, and UNC seem to do it on a yearly basis because of their conference tournament. Good teams should just roll over lesser squads.
Yes, you made a good decision. I would kill to see the B10 tourney every year.... or any year. I've only been once and it was one of the lean years (2006).
$30 is worth it. All that said, though, I dislike conference tourneys and think they don't do much... why wear yourself down playing 3 or 4 times in a 4-day stretch when you have travel and the important tourney coming up?
Obvious answer: Money
True, good teams SHOULD do that; doesn't mean they always will.
how'd you get $30 tickets? i bought two $55ers last night online and they appeared to be all out of the cheapies, even for singles.
and honestly, i think we'll be playing PSU. they did beat illinois twice in close games though, so illinois could be looking for revenge. doesn't matter though - like j money said, we should beat either one. personally i'd love to see us beat down illinois in person since i haven't in awhile. it'd be even sweeter than IU.
Kissel, it freaking kills me that you read this site too
Of course its a good decision to watch out Boilers. This team has the potential to do alot of damage in the B10 tourney and we'll need every Purdue fan we can get to fill out Conseco
Also, you'll get to root against IU, and you can't put a price on such fun
Mo et al,
My buddy who told me we'd be able to purchase the $30 tix @ lunch today was mis-informed by Ticket Master. He went down there on his lunch break (after talking to them on the phone, mind you) and only $55 tix were available. So now, I'm out...I don't have that kind of dough for a first round game...honestly, I'm pretty poor, so really I can just say I don't have that kind of dough and stop it there.
I understand the perspective of those who don't have the option to go to the games due to proximity. That said, I seriously would be enraged and ruin the night for anyone who was with me if I saw our Boilers upset in the first round of this tournament. I wish this wasn't the case, but it is.
Kender, if you root v. IU, aren't you rooting against a rematch? I think that's also a bit of a conundrum.
You know, you could have left the post up and just edited it and added an update at the bottom. Now we'll always wonder what this post was about.
You are correct, and I did not think out the consequences of my actions there. Obviously, I'd love for our Boilers to get the rematch they so rightfully deserve, even if its not in Mackey.
But then again, rooting for IU in that game is kind of like rooting for Herpes, and no one wants to do that. A conundrum indeed
kender, I think you and I are on the same page...I've rooted for herpes before, but I don't know what I was thinking. I felt dirty afterwards.
I have a big problem with this. It happens all the time with OSU and UM....why the hell do you ever, ever, ever root for your rival? Ever? Do you really hate them? You should, they are your rival...so why would you want them to win anything?
I've seen OSU fans openly root for michigan, and I can't tell you how many of them were upset that Wiscy beat them the week before their matchup. They make a comment about how it 'takes away from the game', which begs the question: do you enjoy the game b/c lee corso makes a big deal about it? or do you really enjoy watching your rival suffer...in which case you should root for your rival to lose every game they ever play.
No sir- there's a bigger picture that you're missing. You take the one night of discomfort to enjoy months, if not years of satisfaction.
If they win the inconsequential game v. Minny, they can be handed a loss at the hands of the my alma mater. Much sweeter (for us), much more sour (for Hoosier fan).
I am at odds with my co-editor here....
I would NOT root for IU against Minny, or almost anyone else. I do NOT want to see IU win... ever. I enjoy watching them lose and I probably enjoy it more than when Purdue beats them, mainly because I cannot enjoy myself when they're playing IU. I hate losing to those cheaters SO badly that I don't even like to face the possibility. And the downside is awful -- being swept by IU and listening to ND-like IU fans talking about how we don't belong on the same floor, the programs are far apart, etc. You know what I mean.
If -- IF -- IU were to beat Minny and face us, THEN it would of course be wonderfully satisfying to beat them. But beating them without Sanctions at the helm and all sorts of built-in excuses lined up? That could be just as irritating.
You don't get it either.
Is it better to beat UND in a year when they win just 3 games OR beat them when they have 10 wins and you're their only loss?
There is gratification in the drama of the situation. I am pretty sure I dislike IU more than about anybody I know. I grew up a Purdue fan (unlike my two co-BSers) and I've even had IU as a client in my business in which I was almost forced to sue their sorry Ath. Dept. arse because they wouldn't pay me. I can't stand IU, but I want them to win on Friday, maybe convincingly...then, I'd like Purdue to beat them by 50. Then again, beating them by one and ripping their hearts out wouldn't be so bad either.
aww, kender, you caught me!
and since when did this post change? wtf? weird stuff going on today at BS. as for the $30 tix, i'm going to try and sell mine after the first game to get back some of the moolah. we'll see though.
i don't hate any team enough to root against them at all times. except maybe the cubs or the red sox. i'll root for indiana or even worse, illinois against a non-big ten team in the NCAA tournament. that said, i'd rather IU lose on the sole premise that it's an easier road to the finals. we might get a 3-seed if we win this newfangled tournament thingy.
I'm torn as well, but I think I go with BoilerDowd on this one. I typically root against the teams I don't like, and I don't like IU. I will make the exception in this one instance because the BT screwed us this year. If we had played them twice during the regular season and split, you know I would be chanting Tubby's name trying to get those mighty, mighty gophers to do something nice and slip past IU.
You don't get it either.
Reeeeeaallly? I "don't get it."
Is it better to beat UND in a year when they win just 3 games OR beat them when they have 10 wins and you're their only loss?
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this kind of scenario.
Yes, I understand your point... but I feel like if I ever told you I was pulling for IU in anything, you'd call me a sellout. I simply don't see how you can ever want IU to win... as I said, I am with you (obviously) on how awesome it would be to beat them IF they win.... but if they lost and couldn't even get to us, I'd enjoy that greatly as well.
The assumption of your rooting for IU on Friday theorem is that we then beat them on Saturday. I don't see that as a given and it would feel worse to lose to THEM... worse than losing to just about anyone else, I think.
Also, how do you know I wasn't a Purdue fan growing up?
J, why would you have been a Purdue fan growing up? If you were, that's great, probably more noteworthy than my loyalty...I just don't ever remember hearing about it...My memory is absolutely awful though.
And, with great risk comes greater reward. Damned be the consequences, Purdue deserves another shot at IU; if they lose, so be it. In all seriousness, the tourney committee would look more kindly on such a loss than one v. Illinois, Penn State or Minny.
Mo, the post changed because my situation changed as the day progressed and I didn't want it blank...I wanted to encourage dialog.
Paul, you Do get it. All these other schleps are idiots. (In case you can't detect my tone, that's sarcasm)
I like to look at the big picture. Per your example, isn't it even greater if ND only wins 3 games AND we beat them?? So I think it is sweeter if IU loses early AND we win the Big Ten tourney. I can split the difference and avoid rooting for an IU victory, but looking forward to a revenge victory. Although we don't matchup that well against IU, so I would rather avoid playing them :)
None of this discussion will matter in the very near future.
"You play to win the game!"
It's a strange day when Elbows and I are in agreement.
B-dowd -- no, I wasn't a Purdue fan growing up, but I was just wondering how you were so sure.
Also, you're handsome.
J, I've known you since 1994...While my memory is atrocious, even a concrete wall would retain such information in that amount of time.
While we wrangle with the moral and ethical questions that arise from rooting for IU, we should all take a minute to enjoy this blog post
kender, the Ebanks thing is pretty huge...He'll end up playing back East for someone.
There are whispers out of Oregon that they could be out a coach soon...perhaps Purdue could benefit from a similar situation?
We shall see.
One of my friends and I go to the Friday games pretty much every year. We waited to buy tix until we found out if she could get suite tickets through work (and did, for the evening session - big win), so yeah, we ended up with $55 tickets for the afternoon session. boo.
I like the games, but the tournament is a horrible idea in pretty much every way (which is why they have it, that and money). Single-elimination to ensure all but one team enters postseason on a losing streak, up to four games in four nights so you wear out your players (lucky for some teams the play-in game is conference champions and not at-large teams), games of radically different importance to teams ...
I think it would work much better if they played Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, but that would never happen, and seeing all the cash it brings in means they'll never go back. (cough football cough)
That aside, no, I won't root for IU. I'll have my Minnesota hat on (I have a hat for 9 teams; won't buy one for IU or that school in Columbus). If the Hoosiers win, fine, then if we can win our game, we get a shot at redemption. If IU loses, hopefully we get to the conference title game and possibly a chance for three against Wisconsin.
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