Something you're used to doing, I'm sure, because you're all so handsome and navy blue is a nice, sharp color. Especially with your sexy eyes. Ed DeChellis is a better coach than Bo Ryan, Penn State has talent that's at least on par with Wisconsin's, and the game's at Wisconsin's majestically-named Kohl Center -- plus the Nittany Lions have got to be amped up to play spoiler. Tell you what, Penn State... if you win tomorrow night, I'll fulfill your deepest desire: during over (sic) the course of the Big Ten Tournament, I'll refer to your school as WE ARE, PENN STATE.
Okay, sorry, I couldn't even do all that seriously. No, Penn State is not on a par with Wisky, but yeah, my post makes about as much sense as
the lunacy over at Badger Tracker. Truth is, though, Wisky has a better shot right now because the Boilers have to play two road games that aren't exactly gimmes -- @OSU and @UM -- while the Badgers get to host PSU and go @NU. Yikes. So let's just chalk up two wins for Wisconsin. Yep, those two are guaranteed! For sure! No need to even play 'em! Wisconsin should win eeeeeeeeasily. Right? Gosh, I sure hope they don't trip over one of those lesser opponents.
I mean, truly. I sure hope Wisky's getting
swept by the Boilermakers this year doesn't come back to bite 'em.
Grrrrrrrrrrr!! Don't jinx my team! I will fire thunderbolts out of my fingers! But not my index finger! It alone can destroy a city! I will simply use my weaker three fingers!
Wisconsin is guaranteed to win those games. They are absolute locks. No way they could lose them.
J - I think a better caption for that picture would be, "You put it in the hole like this."
You should have a Give the Picture a Caption contest once in a while.
I love picture caption contests. Consider it done and done.
Also, Paul -- you're a sick man.
I try my best...
OK, good I wanted to make sure someone else read that non-sense over at the Badger blog. I know this is premature, but I really think Painter can coach with the best of 'em. He's shown the ability to put his team in winning situations time and time again (with the exception of the first year). And according to some, like Hutchens, with inferior talent!
Yep, I posted it too. Someone's Ballhype rating will get a boost today!
Anyone know the PU OSU score last night?
YO yo yo, my cables been turned off and I cant get on the, what was the Boilers score?
Evidently no post yet because Purdue lost, and lost ugly.
man, you guys are hilllllllarrrrious.
Is is just me, or have faggot Pisconsin fans become as obnoxious as OSU fans now? There's a UW troll that hangs around the IndyStar comments section that pisses me off...
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