We love the SAWX!! YEEEEAHHH! We're numba one, ashholes! Get that Yankee sheet outta heeya! Kick his ass! Kick his ass!
How's ya like that, ya stoopid Yankee fan! Fouah against one! Yeaaahhh! Yankees SUCK! Just like you and yah girlfriend, ya fairy! Sawx RULE! Jetah sucks! And YOU suck, yah prick!
Dood, run! The cawps ah commin!
World Champs.
How you like them apples?
Dude, the Cantab is rough. There are dives, and then there are dives. I'm about to head into that general direction to catch the bus home. Central Square in general, despite recent gentrification, is still fairly gritty. Last night, on my way home, there was a homeless dude making a scene inside a Wendy's. And then there's the guy who always screams with an upward inflection, "Can you spare 50 CENTS?!" It's definitely not something you would expect from the People's Republic of Cambridge.
Now, if he had gone into the yuppie bar next door, I don't think he would have had any such issues, because a lot of those professionals and other Harvard-ites are from New York. Similarly, if he had gone to either of the two rock clubs down the street, or if he had gone into the Irish pub known for playing UK dance music and showing association football, I don't think he would have had any problems. I don't condone the behaviour of these thugs, who ruin life for everyone (not to mention everyone's reputation), and I hope that they get put away for a decent amount of time, but this guy should have chosen his watering holes more wisely. Despite hanging out in that area often, I rarely end up in the Cantab, preferring the other locations that I mentioned, and for good reason. Nonetheless, he still has my sympathies.
Is Brew Moon still open?
I used to love going there when I lived back East.
We went to the one near Harvard with some guys from work...good beer.
The parent company of Brew Moon went under seven years ago. Rock Bottom took over their operations, and they're still around. I frequent Rock Bottom as often as I can, but not that location, because they're not in there anymore. An "improvisational grill" called Fire + Ice now occupies the space. Rock Bottom is in the Theatre District and in Braintree (beautiful suburbia!). Still, they're based in Colorado, so they're all over the place. I grab growlers from there when I have the ability to do so. ;-)
ugh. i don't wanna see that jersey on this site ever again.
i probably hate the red sox more than any other non-yankees fan in this country. the fuckers (and their fans) make me seethe.
I didn't know Liam Hurley had gotten that big already...
Man, they start 'em early up there.
Mo- I know a lot of good people who are Sox fans- your generalization is pretty lousy. While I don't think it'd be fair to baseball fans to call me a fan of any one team, I do like the Sox and Fenway.
Eric, Rock Bottom is no Brew Moon; that's too bad...but RB is solid.
dowd, i've been to fenway. it's an awesome experience that every baseball fan should try at least once. and as a somewhat neutral observer in that game (i say somewhat neutral, since this was june 2006, which was after the story below), i found the sox fans there to be very knowledgeable and quite classy.
however, that was just one experience and i've seen the other side of the coin too many times. in 2004, sox fans invaded my town (st. louis) during the world series and made the experience miserable for all involved. you couldn't walk downtown without running into at least one of them, and if you were wearing cardinals gear you were guaranteed to be greeted with a "yah team fawkin sucks, yah buncha losahs" or something along those lines. (i experienced this personally twice in a span of two days.) i realize my cardinals were swept, but good god - those people needed to learn to handle their team's success with some class. i couldn't even watch the ninth inning of that game 4 thanks to fox's ridiculous pandering to red sox nation.
since that series, i've lived in maryland, and have been to several sox-orioles games at camden yards. it's the exact same thing there - a bunch of drunk twentysomething dudes talking shit to everyone around them and wondering aloud about what "bah" to head to after the 7th inning, regardless of score, despite what a dump "bahltimoah" is.
all these people mentioned above are the members of red sox nation that stick out in these situations - not the ones who are there to cheer the team like i met at fenway - and they put a stain on the whole fanbase. yeah, there's negative portions of EVERY fanbase - but i would be willing to wager that the percentage of, say, tigers fans that create a negative stereotype is far less than that of the red sox. that's my position, and i'm stickin' to it.
Here's the fact- nothing breeds a-hole fans like success. You pick up big egos and fringe fans that would have been rooting for another big market team, but decided to front run with that years/decade's team.
Core fans are usually pretty palettable...unless they're Raider, Duke or UND fans.
Nobody in the midwest (I know not every reader/author of this site lives in Indiana) cares about the Yankees or Sox. Can we talk about Purdue or Terry Hutchens please?
I care about the Sox and the Yanks. Its only the best rivalry in sports.
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