-You may already know, Purdue is the 77th-best University in the world (IU is 60 behind, Notre Dame is 75 behind Purdue).
-Purdue is the 64th-best college in the US.
-Purdue's business school ranks in the top-25 in about every publication.
-Purdue's basketball team finished the season in the top-25.
-Purdue's basketball team has the fourth-best graduation rate of all of the teams in the NCAA tournament.

-Purdue women are rated the 38th best-looking in America by an extremely reputable source...I of course agree with the sentiment, I married a Purdue girl and I think that the two ladies who write for BS are smokin-hot. This ranking is especially good since Purdue is still a school where people go to actually get an education...And honestly, I could have sworn Purdue was about 80% men and most of them either studied engineering or a computer-related science.
I think the academic rankings might be more scientific, but it's pretty great that West Lafayette's finest even made such a list. I don't think this group had anything to do with the ranking...but at least they're winning.
Well, as much as I love Purdue, this website confirms it.
There is NOTHING like a Canes girl...
GREAT POST. What chicks write for BS?
A sidenote:
First of all, when comparing SEC to B10, NW and Vandy are usually thought of as academic and athletic peers. This leads me to my point:
There are five BIG TEN schools on that list before you even get to Vanderbilt, one of them being Old Purdue. Vandy is the only SEC school in the top 100. When you take academics into acount with athletics our beloved Big Ten seems to me at least, much more well rounded than the other BCS conferences except maybe Pac-10 (they get all those awesome Cal schools) and the ACC.
Those women were not there when I was in school. But then again, that was some time ago. Damn it.
Wait. Is there another Purdue that I'm not aware of?
Oh..... You mean all the stuff outside of the engineering school? Doesn't count, they wouldn't ever talk to me.
Well, I hope our university picks up the pace...our college is doing better! Huh?
Scotty, you clearly have never met Tim or J- good lookin' ladies.
They were there #25. I spent my 4 years in the Knoy Hall of Technology. We didn't see many girls. I had a class that for some reason got scheduled in the Nursing building. It was like changing planets.
I met my wife at Purdue, so I have zero complaints about the lady Boilermakers.
like cod, i spent most of my 4½ years there in the CE or physics buildings. my last two years i averaged about 3-5 girls per 40 person class. i think overall at that time it was 57% male - which, on a campus of nearly 40,000, is a huge majority. now, i hear, it's right around 50/50.
I like that US News lists Purdue's setting as "urban." Yes, indeed. I often mistaked WestLaf for Chicago or Manhattan. Manhattan, Kansas maybe!! Am I right? Hello?
I was in pharmacy, which was probably 60% women. There was one lady in my class that was on the dance squad, but she was a butter-face. Other than that - woof. I preferred having classes in the liberal arts building or the biology building. Loved anatomy class...
J-Money, it's more of a suburban setting. However, I can see where they came up with the classification "urban." Think about it: the campus blends into the surrounding community, and it is difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins (except for the old fences, of course!). In fact, as you know, West Lafayette almost splits the campus (i.e., the area between University and Russell). When I came to visit, the first campus that it reminded me of was Boston College. Granted, Purdue's not Catholic and isn't in a Gothic Revival style, but in terms of the setting, I thought it was very similar. Of course, I grew up practically next to BC, so there you go. ;-)
By the way, the university is still majority male, but primarily because the College of Engineering skews everything. Purdue grants more engineering degrees to women than anyone else, but Engineering is still around 80 per cent male. Then again, in the 1970s, it was almost exclusively male! The other colleges are about 50-50.
Odd, Purdue is pretty notorious for having the ugliest women (by a wide margine) in the Big Ten.
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