Not many people know this, but I used to be a big time gangsta. You know, mean, mean dude. But, I'm a family man now under the care of the witness protection program, and the thought of my old life doesn't pop into my head very often. But it did today. Why, you ask? Here's why:

You two jackholes need to act like men and not 13 year-old girls. Your lack of fortitude and commitment to your word is annoying. Make a decision and shut it.

Gimme a damned break. If you morons had any brains in the first place you would have never given the lying red nation a gift of hosting your crappy games. I've been to China three times...I could have told you after the first visit that it sucked and I didn't want to come back...But, despite months of investigation, you guys couldn't figure that out, now the world is protesting their hosting of the games. Turns out, their blatant disrespect for human life and freedom aren't the only reasons they shouldn't be hosting.

The air quality is awful there, and it's not going to get any better. I'm pretty sure there will be more athletes deciding not to attend the 2008 games for this or other reasons. Speaking of, there have been multiple home-grown terror plots that have been thwarted already...Not from the Tibetans either.
Suck it, China, Suck it, IOC.
Yeah, I was kind of surprised the IOC gave it to Beijing, too, but hey, what can you do? The Olympics were in Seoul 15 years ago... and to be honest, you could make a case any country could have protestors against how they handle their business. I'm not defending China, but I can see how it's hard to please the world anymore.
Of course, the IOC has long been rumored to be crooked as hell.
Also, yeah, I remember when you was a gangsta... you were scary. The way you snapped your fingers always gave me the cold sweats.
Sounds like you're in love with China...commie.
Better watch out for my nine, yo.
Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole, BoilerDowd is about to make some bodies turn cold.
300 million Americans.
2 billion Chinese.
I'm just playing the odds.
Remember, Greece didn't finish some of their venues until the day before things were supposed to be open for the Olympics (a week or two before the start). I'll get China gets them done. But the crap in the air - that is going to make them look real bad. Oh, and a number of countries are shipping in their own food, not just their own cooks. China got all made a few months ago when the U.S. made a stink about the food. But then a number of other countries joined in with the U.S. and China shut the hell up real fast.
I'm with J though - hedge your bets. Will the medals have a little sticker on the back that says "Made in China?" Whatever you do, don't lick them. They may have lead paint.
Some of these countries that protest make me scratch my head. Their economies (including ours) are increasingly reliant on cheap goods from China which no one really raises a huge fuss about......but now they are going crazy because of some lame 16 day event is being held there? I don't get it.
Good point, E. But protestors are often cause-of-the-moment retards... like Richard Gere. They don't actually know anything about the issue or the contradictions you point out... they just like to act indignant.
Like Democrats. :-)
richard gere has been tied to the dali lama (well not really, though I think he might like that) for years. this is not a new cause for him. He likes small furry animals and tibet.
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