Saturday, April 05, 2008

Who Among Us Hasn't Fallen Asleep On A Dive Tower?

Michael Phelps, the best U.S. swimmer since Mark Spitz, fell asleep on top of a dive tower during a swim meet this weekend. Evidently, it was because of his "brutal training regime." And not, you know, being hung over or stoned. Because that's not more likely or anything.

"John [his coach] came up and woke me up and said, 'We're going to trash the freestyle'. I was like 'uh', I was half awake."

Like, uh, dude. Don't shake my tree.

Exhausted from an intense training schedule, Phelps, who won six gold medals at the 2004 Athens Olympics, has labored at the Columbus meet, saying he felt like a brick in the water.

Cotton-mouthed, sunlight-aversion, pounding headache, feeling like a brick.... yep, been there, man. I was 22 once, too.

At least his coach was smart enough to get him the hell out of there. Because, you know, he was exhausted from an intense training schedule.

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