Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hey, it's not that bad...

...It's worse.

Not only did Purdue not compete in the second half, but, our Boilers may have lost the MVP (so far) for the rest of the season (we should know more Monday). It looks to me like he broke his collarbone. According to the interwebnet, that takes 6-12 weeks to heal. Not good.

This is one of those games that leaves you questioning about everything.

With a 7-0 lead and the ball on the 9, Purdue's offense sputtered and came away with zero points. It's one of the turning points of the game...but it didn't lose the game. What did lose the game was rigidity by the coaching staff- as UND made adjustments, Purdue simply didn' all facets of the contest. I texted J as UND was driving for a 14 point lead- I told him a 14-point lead was as good as a victory for the Irish...turns out, I was correct; our Boilers were dead in the water.

Painter played poorly, sailing passes over and over again...he made bad checks and lousy decisions (especially after the first quarter). His line didn't look too bad, and the receiving corps seemed pretty consistant...I am continually impressed with Orton, Smith and Tardy. Sheets was very good, both catching the ball out of the backfield and running and earning yards after the initial hit. It seems to me, that it's time to, at very minimum, see a second quarterback, at least situationally, if not a different quarterback starting next week...once again, that's just my opinion.

Defensively, the corners played poorly and didn't react to rainbow after rainbow thrown by a mediocre quarterback. While UND's receivers are very talented, Purdue's DBs never turned their heads to try to find the ball...even on defended passes, their eyes were not on the ball, but they were desperately waving their hands in hopes to hit the pigskin. The linebackers, that have been undermanned all season were out of position over and over, both in passing downs and running. The defensive line played OK at times, but didn't put enough pressure on a quarterback who clearly gets rattled under pressure...furthermore, they didn't stop the run at all in the third quarter. The defense's performance was really disappointing and underwhelming.

I've been saying this since the NC game, this Purdue team, unless something changes is not that good. Before this game, I thought they'd struggle to become bowl eligible. Well, I don't know how they can win 5 now...Let's look at the schedule:

@ aOSU (L)
@ NW (-)
Minny (W)
UM (L...they all of a sudden seem to have things together; we all know how Tiller teams compete v. the Maize (you call it corn) and Blue)
@ MSU (L)
@ Iowa (-)
IU (W)

Werner may be back soon, and Adams too...both will help out. But, it doesn't look to me like their additions will be able to change a mediocre (at the very best) team to a good one. Major changes are needed, but probably won't be made.


Nate said...

Begin stream of consciousness:

Painter threw the ball THIRTY FOUR times in the first half. They adjusted to the slants and underneath stuff that was working, yet we didn't care and kept doing it anyway. Once the first quarter was over, we stopped doing anything creative or unexpected. Painter is incapable of putting any touch on the ball. My favorite/most hated play of the day is when he absolutely rocketed the ball to Sheets (or was it Tardy?) who was only 5 yards away. Oh yeah and it was behind him (of course) and completely uncatchable. I don't care if they want to make excuses about being "too amped up" for the game. I've heard that a dozen times now. He's a SENIOR QB and should be making better decisions and better throws. PERIOD. Heisman my ass. Maybe instead of working on the website this summer they should have had him practicing. I don't care what stats he's accumulated - I think it's clear that Painter can never win a big game for us.

What an exercise in futility. Go fly fishing, Joe... and take Brock with you please.

RFS said...

I wouldn't count IU as a loss yet, just saying...

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm, where's your 'what is it when X happens when you're playing a genius?' post???? hmmmm? anywhere? where is it? c'mon! CW and staff made great adjustments at half time and your moronic staff did nothing! you call it out above - why did you keep throwing slants when ND obviously figured it out? why did ND adjust and WHOMP YOUR ASSES in the 2nd half? genius? maybe not. maybe just Purdue sucks. joy.

boilerdowd said...

anon- can you read?

mjs, Tiller rarely surprises... this script is predictable.

T-Mill said...

Anon - This is the difference between Purdue and Notre Dame: Weis actually recognizes that adjustments need to be made, and that you are allowed to make them during a game.

Purdue never does this. I hate to admit it, but we were outcoached

Mr. Anonymous said...

Well, on the bright side, if there is such a thing this morning, is that Sheets is ok, per rivals...

From my point of view, the offense played ok, other than the pick, and leaving points on the field (during the one drive that stalled in the red zone, and summers missed the kick).

If the defense had just been able to make any stops AT ALL...but no, Claussen and Company made like a buzz saw...

J Money said...

Amazing how it took no time at all for an arrogant, ND a-hole to come on over and gloat. So predictable.

Anonymous said...

I just want to go out there and smash Pickles myself. And maybe send someone rolling into fatty's other knee.

Amazing how the same Boilermaker who wrote that can call out an Irish fan for bad sportsmanship.

So predictable.

J Money said...

You're right, dude. ND is classy.

I guess our defense agrees with your dumbass assessment that smashing Pickles would be "bad sportsmanship."

J Money said...

Re: the post, I can actually see us losing all of those games. I don't think we will, by any stretch, but I can see it happening. This team is cooked.

dozer8589 said...


Last week I asked for Joey Elliot - you said that I should be patient and see if Curtis "Telegraph" Painter can pull it together (in so many words).

How about now? The most accurate pass Painter threw was the interception TD.

I know this is late, I was out of town. Just had to vent.

Maybe it's time for the TerBush era to begin?