Sure, I'm a sports fan, obviously, and there are teams and schools I like and dislike and respect and detest. But then there are a precious few for whom I have nothing but loatheful feelings for. And Notre Dame is one of them.
I'm not sure if it's because of their arrogance as a program or the arrogance of their fans. Or maybe it's just the complete lack of justification for that arrogance on either's part.
The program is just not that good, and it hasn't been for quite some time. The last time they won a bowl game, lil Pickles Clausen was just a six-year-old wee lad. Last time they won a National Title was, well, the year ole Pickles was born. Two decades of mediocrity, overblown media predictions, and crushing defeats whenever a legit program faces them, have followed.
And yet the arrogance remains. From fans to alums to hayseeds who live nearby, everyone thinks Notre Dame is a notch above everyone else and that they not only are a bastion of morality and academics, but that they're also better at it all than everyone else and the only reason they've been terrible lately is.... what? Tyrone Willingham? You mean, the guy who recruited the players that Charlie Weis has won with?
Getting back to my irrational hate and how this week brings out the worst in me, one of the few Irish blogs I check out, Her Loyal Sons (and only because they are so around the bend it amuses me), has repeatedly taken shots at Purdue... and their main barb is that we're.... "boring."
I took umbrage with it last year, but really, that's fine, I guess. Purdue could be called a lot worse things than boring. At least we're not arrogant a-holes or cheaters or arrogant a-holes or underage drinkers or kind of girlie-looking.
I think I got all pissy last year because it was Notre Dame fans -- 0-4 UND, at the time -- mocking a 4-0 program. The obnoxiousness cannot be curbed. It's relentless. Just like they wish their defense was.
I simply detest the entire program. And this is one of the few times you'll see me continually use "we" as though I'm actually playing. I think the Purdue faithful as a whole feel the weight of battling Notre Dame, knowing we're in a no-win situation. Beat them -- soundly, even -- and some of them still yap and find ways to bash your program and find excuses. Lose to them.... and, well, every front-runner Domer wearing a #10 jersey at the supermarket becomes risky... in the sense that, if you're like me, you're in danger of committing assault when you see these people. And winding up in a jail cell when you're sent out to buy milk is almost never good.
Hate is a strong word. And I don't hate anyone in particular. I just detest the unwarranted arrogance. I cannot stand the big-mouth "loyalty" when things are going well. I dislike them so much that I actually become angry, more reactive than usual, and downright cranky by game time. I just want to go out there and smash Pickles myself. And maybe send someone rolling into fatty's other knee.
Losing to them is awful anytime, even when we're lousy. Losing to them when they're lousy is almost unbearable.
Let's Boiler Up.
I wonder if anyone from Notre Dame calls this "Purdue Week?"
Where are the props for the MSU coach???
are you guys doing the roundtable this week?
Anyone else surprised by Purdue being only a 1.5 pt. dog?
Yes, Travis, you impatient-yet-handsome lad.
That's funny. Here's my editorial comment on Purdue Football from my deck chair in the Keys.. www.sportingnews.com/blog/Boiler%20Jim
Here's the Irish Band of Brothers' Keys to the Game vs. Purdue. We would love to hear the Boilermakers take on the game as well. Please stop by!
I've mentioned this factoid before in a previous posting, but it bears repeating: Over the last 10 seasons (1997-2007), Purdue has won more games than Notre Dame (source: College Football Data Warehouse).
I would go one step further and take a good hard look at some of their "opponents" in the early years. Yes, they may have won more games than anybody besides Michigan-- the true basis of Domer arrogance-- but a closer look reveals official wins agains palookas and tomato cans like The following:
- American Medical
- Bennett Medical
- Carlisle Indian School
- Northwestern Law School
- North Division High School
- Illinois Cycling Club
- Chicago Dental
... and the list goes on. I don't have the time or patience, but I'd be interested to see what ND's record looks like when we're talking about "modern" football. I'm sure it's still quite good-- we are talking about teams built by Rockne, Dan Devine, and Lou Holtz-- but it won't be nearly as awesome as Irish supporters claim it is, plain and simple. Please plug in the following URL and see what I mean:
Gregg Z.
As a Penn State fan I have a hatred for Ohio State and Michigan, and at times a dislike (though with respect) for the other usually competitive teams like Purdue, MSU, and Wisconsin, but I feel that we can all unite in the common goal of beating Notre Dame silly. Go Boilers!
Gregg Z, not to defend Notre Dame or anything - I go to Michigan, hate them as much as the next guy - their early games against the Carlisle Indian School are nothing to look down on. That school wasn't exactly a cupcake - it was led by Jim Thorpe and coached by Pop Warner.
everyone has two loyalties in college football. the school they went to, and the team playing against notre dame.
boiler up, and take that arrogant swine's other hamhock out.
Well said, jd.
jd that is a glorious comment
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