Saturday, September 20, 2008

Point/Counterpoint: (A Reminder of Why UND Can Suck It)

They're not ND
Erin Piroutek

I don't want to talk about the game. I don't want to rehash botched calls, questionable play-calling, or stupid mistakes. I don't want to think about the "if-only's." It's too painful. Let me mourn in peace.

Still, the trip to West Lafayette was a valuable learning experience. It made me thoroughly appreciate being a Domer.

The corn should have been my first clue that something was amiss. We took the first exit that said Purdue, anticipating the sight of the stadium ready to accommodate screaming Irish fans. Instead, we found ... corn. For several miles we drove on a two-lane road winding through cornfield upon cornfield.

Thanks to backed-up traffic, we had several hours to appreciate the corn.

Finally we made it to campus ("I thought I'd seen ugly buildings before — but now I realize I was wrong," said my roommate) and into the stadium.

But the reasons to count my blessings had just begun. Anytime there are more cheerleaders than football players, well, there's something inherently wrong. You may think I'm kidding. But I'm dead serious.

Start with the 10 girls and 10 guys, who I assume were the varsity cheerleaders. Add 10 more of each who I think were the JV cheerleaders. That's 40. Then consider the 16 flag girls and eight baton twirlers. We're up to 64. But that's not all. Count the 32 pom girls, even though I couldn't quite discern their purpose, and that brings us to a grand total of 96 cheerleaders.

And you might think there's nothing wrong with this. Spirit is good, right? Well, maybe I could excuse it if there was any spirit in the Purdue stadium. But there wasn't.

Our 12 cheerleaders are able to make the entire stadium resonate with the sounds of "We are Notre Dame." The Purdue stadium resonated with ... random noise every once in awhile when Purdue had a good play.

After an entire game in Ross-Ade Stadium, with the Purdue fans just two rows behind me, I have no idea what their fight song sounds like. They never sang it. I think the band played it every so often, but I'm not even sure about that, since we couldn't really hear the band.

Maybe we're spoiled, since when our band plays the sound resonates through campus. Even in the broadcast of the Michigan game, the Irish band could be heard loud and clear in the Big House. But I don't think it's too much to ask for a band to at least play loud enough that those sitting in the stadium can hear it. It's not like the sounds of the crowd were drowning it out.

Even the individual fans were a disappointment. The ubiquitous presence of "The Shirt" confused and befuddled them. One fan sneered, "What, did they give those shirts out for free or something?" I guess the concept of Irish unity is too much for them to grasp. Understandable I guess, since Boilermaker unity is nonexistent.

As we were heading back to our car, a Purdue student shouted insults at us from his dorm window. At this point, someone who would attack two girls while hiding in the safety of his dorm didn't even surprise me.

We walked away with our heads held high. After all, we are ND. And we don't have to spend the rest of our college careers at Purdue.

We're not ND
Aaron Purduetik

I want to talk about the game. I want to rehash an excellent game plan, stellar play of an unsung defense, and yet another nearly flawless performance at quarterback. I want to think about the what "will-be's" this season. But, it’ll take too long, so I’ll just talk about the day.

The trip to South Bend was a valuable learning experience. It made me thoroughly appreciate being a Boiler.

The countless strip clubs should have been my first clue that something was amiss. We took the first exit that said Notre Dame, anticipating the sight of the stadium ready to accommodate screaming Boiler fans. Instead, we found ...factories & strip clubs. For several miles we drove on a four-lane road meandering through strip club upon strip club.

Thanks to backed-up traffic, we had several hours to appreciate the sites.

Finally we made it to campus ("I thought I'd seen ugly buildings before — but now I realize I was wrong," said my roommate) and into the stadium.

But the reasons to count my blessings had just begun. Anytime there are more men in kilts than men in football helmets, well, there's something inherently wrong. You may think I'm kidding. But I'm dead serious.

And then there were the “cheerleaders” (if you can call them that). None of which looked like they could make Purdue’s alternate-squad…but what they didn’t have in ability was forgotten because you couldn’t hear them and could hardly see them. But they did have an excellent dance squad, otherwise known as the student section.

And you might think there's nothing wrong with this. Dancing & choreography are good, right? Well, maybe I could excuse it if any of those in the green shirts paid attention to the game. But they didn’t.

Our 25 cheerleaders are able to make Ross-Ade stadium resonate with the sounds of "Boi-Ler-Mak-Ers." Notre Dame stadium resonated with cheering only when the Boilermaker faithful cheered as our Boilers drove 96 yards, ran back a 100 yard kickoff or connected for a 97 yard bomb from the shadows of ND’s goalpost.

After an entire game in Notre Dame Stadium, with the Notre Dame fans all around me, I have no idea what their fight song sounds like. They never sang it. I think the band played it every so often, but the ND fans were too busy complaining about the officiating, they probably never even heard it.

Maybe we're spoiled, since the officials really haven’t been an important part of a game this season…none of the games have been in doubt. But, I guess I’ve come to just understand that after a touchdown, when “Hail Purdue” is being played by The All-American Band, all those clad in gold and black just stand and belt it out…by the way, we sing a lot! But like I said, we’ve been spoiled this season.

Even the individual fans were a disappointment. The ubiquitous presence of Purdue sweatshirts confused and befuddled them. One fan sneered, "What, you don’t all just wear the exact same shirt to every game?" I guess the concept of independent thinking is too much for them to grasp. Understandable I guess, since Irish “group-think” is what they’ve become accustomed to.

As we were heading back to our car, a Notre Dame student shouted insults at us from his dorm window. At this point, someone who would talk trash, after getting their arse handed to them, didn't even surprise me.

We walked away with our heads held high. After all, we thank God we’re not ND. And we don't have to spend the rest of our college careers at Notre Dame.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a whiney, immature, conceited Notre Dame student complaining about Purdue all because her lousy team LOST... how'd last season work out for you Ms. Pioutek? It may not be much better this year.

If you ever get off campus, check out the lovely cornfields of St.Joseph County. Farming is nothing to be ashamed of... even shallow fools such as yourself do eat food on ocassion, right Ms. Pioutek? Just where do you suppose food comes from? Maybe you need to attend a school where you obtain an education.

Nate said...

This is why I've hated every ND fan I've ever met. Their sense of entitlement is sickening.

Plang said...

I never get tired of reading that.

J Money said...

That needs an "Aaron Purduetik" tag.
