Thursday, September 18, 2008

Purdue Picks Up Another Floridian

Josh Johnson became the most recent HS Florida player to verbal to Danny Hope. Johnson has an offer from Vandy...

My gut says a 5'10" athlete w/ 4.4-4.5 speed is a good thing, but I think his lack of height must be keeping bigger schools from getting involved. Regardless, I'm glad he's coming to Purdue.

Hope now has 6 verbal commitments...all coming from somewhere other than Indiana and all, except one coming from the deep Southeastern US. Honestly, I don't give a damn about their star ratings as long as they fulfill a need and can play the game. Typically, with the right coaching a 2 or 3 star can look an awful lot like a 4 star athlete with the correct developmental'll just take a season or two.

Speed seems to be something that Hope is actively seeking and since almost all of the players are from SEC country, Purdue should be playing for a national title within a season or two (sarcasm, in case you didn't detect it).

If we can get 5-10 more verbals in the next month and a half, I begin to feel a bit better about the incoming class.


Anonymous said...

"I guess I try not to be very boring on the field."

-Quote from Curtis Painter in today's Exponent... inspiring isn't it? :P

full article:

boilerdowd said...

Regardless of what Tiller says in the article, he wants deadpan players who are "never too high, never too low"...The problem is, those guys aren't willing play with the emotion that football sometimes demands.

I watched a clip of the KSU Alamo Bowl game the other day- Brees audibled out of a play Tiller had scripted and threw for a touchdown- they panned over to the sideline where Tiller was shaking his head in disapproval.

Thank God Brees was willing to do that some of the time.

Plang said...

Don't panic! It takes time to replenish a dried up, withered husk of a pipeline...

Nate said...

5-10 more verbals or more 5'10" verbals... it works either way

Plang said...

Nate - we could then be known as the Purdue Midgets.

boilerdowd said...

When Akers coached Purdue, they had a group of receivers called the Smurfs who were all sub- 5'10"...the bad ole days...