"My visit was awesome. I had a good time," Quinn said. "The team welcomed me like a new family member. The coaches talked to me like we've known each other, like we have a good relationship. It was like home.
"And the game was awesome. They came from 14 points behind twice and came out with the win. That was great."
These are the things that make me smile. Sure, maybe Quinn is a cornerback who tore his meniscus this season, but getting players from Florida is never a bad thing and hearing recruits sound excited about Purdue football means maybe what Tiller has spent the season tearing down won't go down completely.
Alright a 2* prospect with a torn meniscus!
Sadly, that makes me laugh.
Yes, you're right, nothing to do the wave about, but still... it's more the reaction/response he had to his experience at Purdue that's a good thing and a hopeful harbinger.
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