Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Krab's Cheap Shot 24 Hours Later

Hopefully, this goon gets a suspension from the league of horrible officiating...awwww, who am I kidding, it'll never happen. Discuss amongst yourselves...

The eagle eye BT officials didn't notice the antagonizing by the sizable Aryan guard and his cohorts later in the game either, as LewJack was swarmed and provoked by them.

A special thanks to Rich Falk and co. for putting together the worst collection of officials in both men's basketball and football. Hats off! That's a difficult feat to accomplish.

24 hours later, no suspension from the league and Bo Ryan is mum on the matter too. I already had a low opinion of the Big Ten officials, so their lack of response is not surprising. I honestly expected more from Ryan as I used to respect him.


White Chili said...

Finally some video! Concussion Jackson took the hit like a champ. The bounty on Krabbenhoft's knee has been set at $20. That's twenty American dollars.

AJS said...

I wish somebody would have retaliated. Put in Reid for a few minutes to smack Krab around.

Anonymous said...

Who knew Ivan Drago could play basketball too?

Ross McLochness said...

Jeff Washburn has blogged about the play being dirty.

Sadly the Indianapolis Star's sports editor is too spineless to allow Washburn's call for suspension to hit the printed version.

Krabbenhoft needs a dose of a John Chaney-esque goon.

ATL_Boilers said...

I saw the hit live and a couple of more times on reply in the first half and I couldn't get over how nasty it was... Krabbenhoft really lowered the boom on him (it looked more like a Ray Lewis hit than a basketball pick). I couldn't believe at the time that a foul wasn't called and after seeing it a few more times, I think a suspension would be in order.

COD said...

If a defensive back leveled that hit on a QB in the NFL there would be a $25,000 fine, at a minimum.

T-Mill said...

We're lucky LewJack wasn't seriously hurt. Come on Big Ten officials. Do the right thing.

Scotty Leisure said...

A rather Schutzstaffel-esque hit.

Love the MattyCounter!

Purdue Matt said...

It was dirty. It should have been a flagrant foul or technical foul. There is no excuse for it.

Also, did you see what the Wisconsin site said about it? In their review of the game, they said it showed that Wisconsin was intense and ready to play. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

If he hadn't swung the arm, it would have been a clean (though hard) pick. But that should have definitely been a foul at minimum, probably a flagrant.

Plang said...

Painter's response to questions about it was very classy. He didn't talk about Krabby, he just said that he expects his players to communicate and someone should have tried to warn Jackson that there was a pick. Bo Ryan is keeping his mouth shut because that is the smart thing to do (maybe not ethical, but smart).

I have money on the Big11 turning a blind eye towards it.

Purdue Matt said...

Can't wait until Bo Ryan visits Mackey next year. We need to give him an earful.

Anonymous said...

The mattycounter is hilarious. Has anyone gotten Painter's opinion on the Matty phenomenon?

Krab is lucky he isn't headed back to Mackey this year, we'd make the treatment Illinois gave Eric Gordon look tame.

Ross McLochness said...

People, people, people!

Have you forgotten about the Big Ten Tournament? Let's hope Purdue meets the Badgers in Indy so we can repay the favor to Krabbenshit.

J Money said...

I don't want the Boilers facing an even more desperate Badger team with nothing to play for and thus even less incentive to play clean. If he does it again, I'd want to see the rare college bball brawl.