Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beginning of the End

The Indianapolis Colts have enjoyed 10 or more wins/season for 9 of the past 10 years...and over 12 wins/season for the past six seasons. Much of the reason the Colts had such success, especially in the late 90s/early 00s was the offensive fire power trio of Harrison, Manning & James. James left town prior to the '06 season, and the Colts won a World Championship that year...But, huge changes during this off-season will probably spell the end of the golden era of the Colts franchise while in Indianapolis.

The most recent, the (unsurprising) announcement of Marvin Harrison being released by the team, seems to be the right move as he carries a hefty price tag and isn't even the second-most productive receiver in the Colts line-up any longer. That said, the void 88 will leave might not be filled during the remainder of Manning's career. Harrison and Manning's pre-season workouts and pre-game preparation are legendary, and the results of their labor are obvious. That said, it is definitely time for this potent duo to part ways.

While I believe Manning will still have very good numbers for the coming seasons, I don't know if 12 or 13 wins is a likelihood...and double-digit-win seasons might become more-and-more hard to come by in the near future.

My crystal ball says Jim Caldwell might be on an especially-short leash as Polian, Irsay and Co. all understand that the clock is ticking for Manning, arguably one of the top-5 QBs the league has ever seen.

If the Colts are the Atlanta Braves of the NFL, Harrison's departure might be equivalent to Greg Maddux heading out of the ATL following their '03 season.


Anonymous said...

More worried about keeping the offensive line together and getting a DT.

Although Joe Tiller is no Hall of Fame coach, there are some parallels between these Harrison and Joe. Both showed up and made major contributions to their teams. Both helped inspire new stadium construction. Both began to fade at the end. Both deserve our heartfelt thanks for all their work. And it was time for both to move on.

\Forehead joke

joeypeglow said...

i disagree that the Colts "Golden Era" as you call it has come to an end. With Peyton, Wayne, and Dallas Clark all being at the top of their game and the up and coming Anthony Gonzalez, this is still one of the most prolific offenses in the game. Sure there are some holes to fill but I do not doubt the capability of the Colts front office to fill those holes. Maybe I am viewing this from a biased view of a Colts fan, but I sure hope not because if so this fall will be brutal since the Boilers do not look like they will be any better than last season.

J Money said...

Not having Dungy may turn out to be bigger than people think, too. We'll see.

Meanwhile, the Giants could use a guy like Marvin.

boilerdowd said...

Joey, time will tell- There's too much attrition right now...Harrison is just a sign of an aging franchise. The Colts have plugged in a lot of players there were less-impactful, but as much as I like Gonzalez, he's no Harrison. He didn't progress last season like I thought he was going to. And Saturday might be gone too...when he was out last season, Manning got hit a ton. Atop that, Addai is simply not the back that many thought he'd be...he's solid, but you need more than solid when your receiving corps is aging and not deep. The Colts system is built around out-scoring the opposition...they need big-time players to do that.

Also, Tom Moore can't have too much time left, I think he's 72...the JoePa bit doesn't play too well in the NFL.

J, what team doesn't need a slow, expensive receiver who shies away from contact...He'll be a perfect fit along side a fast, expensive receiver with inconsistent hands and a propensity to shoot himself in the leg (literally).

BoilerBiker said...

"Colts system is built around out-scoring the opposition...they need big-time players to do that."

unless that changes, the colts may be in some real trouble if/when the nfl does have no cap seasons.

don't see how they can possibly keep up w/the big boys, although being in their division could help some.

(i'm not entirely sold that smaller market teams in the nfl could compete like the occasional baseball clubs can w/no cap(and no floor).)

joeypeglow said...

I agree that the loss of Saturday would be very detrimental for the Colts. The offensive line is not the same without him. Gonzalez will only be in his third season, and hopefully benefit from Harrison's absence. I think everyone has been very disappointed in the way Addai has come along. He looked so primising his rookie year and just has not developed into the player we thought he would be. Lets hope we can get some more NFL draft magic that we have had for the recent years.

Anonymous said...
