Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Value City Voo Doo Continues

I thought Purdue would have a tough time with aOSU with Robbie Hummel playing. Without him, I didn't think they'd be able to compete. Now, if you also add into the equation that the Buckeyes might shoot 50%, I'd think coming close would be darned-near impossible.

Well, how about this scenario- Calasan all but a no-show in the second half, Marcus Green catching the flu that Grant and others have had, Kramer in foul trouble in the second half, the Ostrich out as his back flared up yet again, Smooge deciding it'd be a good night to simply not take shots (he took 5 less than his average), AND Purdue would allow aOSU to shoot over 60% from the field...Pretty horrible situation; and that's what happened tonight. Purdue's free throw shooting (82%) and JJ in the post (30 points), kept them in the game, and almost helped them pull out the improbable victory. In fact, Purdue had the ball with 27.9 seconds left, no time-outs and the ball under aOSU's basket...but the Buckeyes defense (and Purdue's poor preparation) left the ball in LewJack's hands as the seconds wound down. He got off a bad shot after a no-call reach in, and time expired in regulation. In overtime, the Buckeyes nailed the coffin shut.

During the contest, Purdue lost the rebounding battle by 15, couldn't stop the back door plays by the Buckeyes...and maybe the worst news of all for me as an observer, I had the sheer joy of watching both Hightower and Hillary oversee the game. Whoopee!

In all seriousness, the effort was there all night...and getting to overtime was a feat in itself. That said, all anyone will see tomorrow is that Purdue lost by eight points...and the streak of losing in Columbus, that extends back 11 years will continue.

As a team, you're probably going to win games when you shoot 60%, at least you should...and aOSU did just that. Evan Turner is a smart and skilled ball player and showed it tonight as he did everything the Buckeyes needed him to do. William Buford went 10-14 from the field, and B.J. Mullens went 8-9 (granted, Purdue wouldn't body him out, so he was dunking wide open over and over and over and...). But, the player that impressed me the most was P.J. Hill. She's gone through a lot to get where she is...and has to be proud to be the first female to play basketball with the guys in the Big Ten...hats off to Patricia Jane!

I kid, I kid.

A seven-player roster simply isn't going to win a lot of games in the Big Ten- let alone one that does not contain a player than many thought would be all-conference. And Purdue showed this earlier in the season as Hummel sat out for much of the Illinois game and all of the PSU game- the results were both losses.

But, do you want to hear about an even worse trend? Here's how the season has gone so far for Purdue: 5-game win streak, overtime loss to OK, loss in regulation to Duke. 6-game win streak, overtime loss to Illinois, loss to PSU. 6-game win streak, overtime loss to aOSU. If you were a betting man, where would you put your money for Sunday's contest in Champaign?

Unless a miracle occurs with Hummel's back or Purdue is able to successfully call-up some of their signees from high school, I don't think there's any way our Boilers can win the Big Ten title. Kramer is imperative to the Boilers' defense, but Hummel's play is paramount on the glass, on the defensive side and no one helps Purdue's offense get into rhythm like Hummel. The fact is, the margin for error in Purdue's line-up is simply too thin to lose any starter, let-alone Hummel for games at a time. I doubt you'll see Robbie sitting out in five days...but who knows what will happen three days after that as PSU comes to Mackey.

All losses frustrate me, as a fan...but this one did especially since a win was within reach in regulation AND it had been so long since the last victory in Columbus. With the win, aOSU becomes the only team in the Big Ten who has beaten Purdue more than they've lost to them in the history of the conference...The series is now 80-79.


Daggio said...

Good Summary! I am proud of Painter for putting hummel's health above team wins. Green's sickness really hurt Purdue. I also wish Calasan could play better.

Purdue needs more players. I think that it was a mistake to red shirt Hart. If he is not good enough to help; he should not be on the team.

Justin the great said...

I feel like this is the second game where Painter's poor preparation at the end of the game cost us a win. the OU game could've been won in regulation (granted Painter did call a time out and drew up a play, it just was an awful play) but in the OSU game, we had 27 seconds and we go with a freshmen who has shown poor decision making at times, I really don't get why Painter didn't at least try and run a play to get the ball to either Grant or Johnson...

psad21 said...

I agree with the above post...I wish Painter would of called a TO to set something up. I did not want that game to go into overtime because I knew we didn't have a chance.

I'm amazed we were even in that game with the way OSU was shooting.

Do you really think out chance at the B10 title is gone? I totally disagree. MSU has shown it is beatable. We have a lot of winnable games left. I think we could still lose 1 more and finish at the top. We really need to beat the Illini this weekend though.

Anonymous said...

I think she looks a little more like Busta Rhymes.

boilerdowd said...

She does...but from the wide shot, she moves like a waterbug, is the smallest player on the Bucks team; Busta's a big tough dude.

psad- we can disagree and I don't want to squash your optimism. I just don't see how a team that can't beat Illinois, PSU or aOSU can win the Big Ten. Depending on how Hummel's injury flares up, Purdue could have some very tough contests down the stretch...hopefully the flu's run its course, but Smooge hasn't gotten it yet, so I'd think he's due. Fatigue is going to weigh heavy on our Boilers as they play teams (like MSU) with significant depth.

psad21 said...

You're right, it's gonna be real tough battle for the title. We need our guys at full strength...something we haven't had for a while. A lot of folks thought we were done after a 0-2 start, but then we whipped off 6 in a row including big wins @ Minny and Wisky and got ourselves back in position.

Minnesota could very possibly knock off MSU tonight which would tighten things back up. I think I heard Suton was injured and isn't Raymar Morgon still hurt too? Throw in a PSU and Illini loss on Thursday and anything can happen!

Boilergal said...

Was anyone else annoyed with Lavin's constant bashing of Purdue last night?? He was driving me crazy and had I been at home, I would have turned Cliz on instead.

Also, why in the world did LewJack end up with the ball for that last play??? Yet another horrible decision by the freshman at a critical time. He's my new Green (positive about that is Green has grown on me and I appreciate his effort now that he has accepted his role- hopefully LewJack grows on me soon). We should have gotten the ball to Johnson, as he was making shots or drawing fouls all night (great free throw shooting by JJ last night).

I thought that we would lose one of these games this week, and I would have preferred to lose last night as opposed to Sunday. Now Sunday is a must-win, I hope Hummell is well enough to play, because we really miss him on the boards.

I still think we have a chance at the BTT- MSU's losses have both come at home to teams no one would have ever picked to beat them there. Until Morgan gets over his walking pneumonia, anything can happen.

Go Boilers!

Boilergal said...

Also, is there a reason that we cannot get up for overtime???

J Money said...

Boilergal -- Depth, to answer your last question. OT is one more place depth becomes critical.

Also, as for Lavin, normally I like him okay... but when he was lavishing praise upon the Big Ten officals last night... and how as a coach, you just know you don't have to worry about the officiating when those professional guys are doing it, well, puke.

Big ups to JJ, though -- 30 pts? Awesome.

Purdue Matt said...

PJ Hill is a dbag. He was reaching and grabbing our guys all night, especially LewJack on the last play of regulation. Clisby said he was barking at JJ during his free throws. Now I see why Novak elbowed him in the face.

This loss didn't bother me as much as the other ones. Without Hummel, I didn't expect it to be close. The effort put forth by our guys was phenomenal, but winning on the road against a top half Big Ten team without your best player is tough.

Purdue Matt said...

I would have prefered Painter call a timeout and design a play to get JJ a touch down low.

boilerdowd said...

Matt, you could see Patricia yelling at free throw shooters...once again, this is a failure of Big Ten officiating as that is a violation of the rules. Players are not supposed to verbally or otherwise, distract the shooter. He also jawed as dead balls were called. That crappy behavior earned him an elbow to the grill just a week ago...you'd think his Napoleonic complex would settle down a bit after that, but guess not.

Boilergal, you and your sister need to get off Jackson's back a bit. What were the options last night- Kramer? Not an offensive threat. Grant? Cold shooting night...cold-shooting season. JJ bringing the ball up? Green? Flu, not a good ball handler. Moore? slow first step, simply wasn't aggressively seeking his shot last night.

LewJack is a point guard. He should have the ball in those situations and distribute. His right side was rendered useless by a no-call reach-in...and Johnson was covered. He is and will continue to get better.

Purdue's lack of depth is forcing LewJack to have a bit more of an offensive role than just playing point guard...it's also killed Purdue throughout the season (OK, Illinois and now aOSU).

Boilergal said...

I know there are a lot of people that really like Jackson, I may become one in time. However, he seems to make his mistakes at critical moments and I don't think the ball should be in his hand at the end of the game- at least not this year. I do think he will be good in the future and is gaining valuable experience. My sister, on the other hand, she is a hater. I will try to lay off... as long as he quits making poor decisions ;)

Anonymous said...

Tough to say the guy made a poor decesion when he obviously was grabbed. Would I expect a call to be made there, probably not. Although the way the NW game ended game me a glimmer of hope that they do call fouls on final possessions. I would be pissed if Purdue was on the other end of one of those calls on the last possesion. However when you clearly grab someone or push them in the back it proabaly should be called. And when you just get a little body on the guy when he is driving (Hummel's defense on Flowers at the end of wisconsin game last year) should not be called. I might be a little bias, but in now way should fault be placed on Jackson.

boilerdowd said...

Something to think about, Boilergal-
Of Purdue's 8-man rotation, only Robbie Hummel (2:1) has a better assist-to-turnover rating than LewJack (1.6:1).

Boiler_Ditsor said...

Before this 5 game stretch if you knew that after the 4th game we would be 3-1, wouldn't you have accepted that? Yes - we should have won last night, and Yes I do believe a timeout should have been called. But, we still are a young team believe it or not, and these things WILL get BETTER. The Big Ten is extremely tough this year. The Big Ten Title is everything but out of reach. I said before the conference started that whoever wins the title this year will have 4-5 losses, and I still believe so.

We still have absolute control over our title hopes. This Illinois game is very important. Wouldn't it be nice if Purdue could go in and put the game away in the first half?

Have faith people. Purdue is still a good team with youth.

P.S. I freaking hate Ohio State. I can't wait until they come to Mackey. I hope we beat them by 60.

Anonymous said...

I think the pre-teen boilers are not mentally in the game. They seemed lost at times, perhaps they are to busy pondering why in the world would a frozen custard stand be so busy in the winter.

Anonymous said...

I think its because they sell Butter Burgers