Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BS Spreading Like a Fungus

Much like my current city of Houston, we're sprawling about.... we've once again provided the Purdue tourney capsule to Deadspin (which will run on Thursday) and we've also provided the Boilermakers-related info for Rush The Court's massive tourney analysis.


But that's not all! I also volunteered to liveblog the Boilers first-round game on Thursday against the Fighting Zephyrs of Northern Illinois over at Deadspin. So round about 2:30 Eastern, swing over there if you're interested. Or do what everyone else is doing and watch via March Madness on Demand.

As you were.


Courtney B. said...

You do know we are playing the Panthers of Northern Iowa. Right?

T-Mill said...

Which step is this in the plan for world domination?

boilerdowd said...

step 51...or so.

T-Mill said...

Sweet, like Lex Luthor in Superman 2, can I be ruler of Australia when it is achieved?

J Money said...

Nick and Courntey -- Does Courtney know you spelled her name wrong?

Yes, I know who we're playing, but we Boilermakers rarely get the chance to act all arrogant and dismissive (like Dukies) so I was having some fun. Truth is, obviously, we're concerned about them.... it was late, and I was trying to be funny.

I'm not very clever. You should know this by now.

J Money said...

And Travis, as for your comments... well, you've already begun the Boilermaker advance on AOL Fanhouse and SBNation. I see us like Tango and Cash -- fighting everyone, back to back.

Or is it like Highlander? Where in the end, you'll scream "There can be only one!"

BoilerBiker said...

"I am Robbie MacHummel of the Clan MacHummel. I was born in 1518 in the village of West Lafayette on the shores of the Wabash. And I am immortal. "

T-Mill said...

A Superman 2, Highlander, AND Tango and Cash reference all in one! It's 1989 baby!

Anonymous said...

J Money,

Ahh, I get it now. I love the smell of arrogance and hubris in the morning. Smells like victory. Sorry, that's 1979. My bad.

Hey, he's just fucking Courtney, no need to know how to spell her name, right?

Ooh, the reply to this one's gonna hurt.