Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Get Ready to Mount Your Brackets

Wait, that didn't sound right.

Anyway, Timmy put up the info last week about the Second Annual Boiled Sports Tourney Randomness Challenge.

I took a look today and there are only like 40-something of you clowns signed up. Last year, when we had probably half as much traffic, we had nearly 100 participants. Small potatoes, to be sure, but still.... you guys can outdo that. The site stats say 1,000 visitors a day so let's get on this. Enter the pool for fun. There's no cost to enter. Have your wife enter and then gloat when you beat her or be shamed when you lose. Enter your dog. Because, really, who the hell ever knows what's going to happen?

Last year, the winner was Nick B's entry "A Whole Lot of 3's," and his "reward" (if you can call it that) was our airspace for a post. True, he might have had a wider audience had he simply written his thoughts on a bathroom stall door, but we're (slightly) more sanitary. And Nick chose to call me out as his guest post topic for my criticism of Scott Martin's transfer. Fair enough, Nick. Just you wait -- one day, I'll have a chance to post about YOU. (Oh wait...)

Anyway, so this year's prize will be:

All-expenses paid trip to next year's Final Four.
A night with Tim's wife.
A night with Tim.
The first thing I grab when I reach into my desk drawer.

Wait, sorry, none of those were approved by BS Corporate. So we've settled on the following...

Winner of the 2009 BS Tourney Pick 'Em will get a coveted Boiled Sports T-shirt as well as a guest post here at BS on the Friday after the Final Four.

So enter and kick our asses. We freaking dare you.


Row Boilers said...

OK, OK, Mom! Geez! I'm signed up now, what was the rush? The field does not get announced until Sunday. You know guys do things at the last minute.

So, I take an XL in that tee shirt, I'm just sayin'.

T-Mill said...

You guys have official T-shirts? I am jealous!

Plang said...

A BS t-shirt is something I would consider purchasing if I do not win you little tournament thingy.

boilerdowd said...

Row, you sign up now so you're not left out in the cold...you'd miss all of the fun! We actually have an XL, but Tim's pretty sure he's going to dominate, and he's an XL too.

Travis, we are big time...no network, no money, but big time none-the-less.

Paul, perhaps we'll re-print them for sale purposes...but as of now, we only have two left, and they're prizes, you've gotta earn 'em.

Anonymous said...

this team does not have a personality. last year they were the baby boilers and caught people off guard. This year, it's not clear if this is Moore, Johnson, or Hummel's team. these guys are team oriented but they would be better off if there was one defined go-to guy and more defined roles.
Lewjack was totally out of control against MSU. His play was out of character with the methodical Painter style that is best for this team. I'd bring Lewjack off the bench and start Kramer at point.
Yes there were injuries, but this step back hurts. Gene Keady made a living taking teams with 1/2 this much talent, squeezing an 11-7 out of them (beating Wisky and NU twice), then losing in the first round of the dance. the talent is there to make a deep run but this team needs to find it's identity, quick.

Courtney B. said...

J Money, just to make it clear. I love your work. In fact, even though it was clear, I blinded myself to the fact that Coach Painter cant adjust to zone defenses until you pointed it out. But I will beat you again, and wear your shirt proudly.

Nick B aka Son of Carson Cunningham

acacia1602 said...

How about a Big 10 tournament bracket for that other shirt?

J Money said...

i think we're gonna give the runner-up a shirt and the winner a shirt and a post. And an ass-pinch from dowd.

Row Boilers said...

J, in that case I'm gunning for second.

boilerdowd said...

Get in line.

J Money said...

You like it when they all line up for their ass-pinchings, don't you, Dowd?