Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pre-Tourney Gumbo

Welcome To Portland!!
In my business, I used to travel to Portland about once every 6 months. As a result, I consider myself a super-smart guy who should give advice. And since Matty has BS bookmarked as his home page, I figure giving a few pointers is the least I can do to help out my alma mater's basketball team during their road here goes-

-Take the fellas out to fish the Columbia River for some Sturgeon...They're huge and disgusting...but I'm told very fun to catch.

-Get in the team bus and go drive through the's truly breath-taking.

-Go get a "Burger Smash" at Mui Mui's in the Pearl District...and the coaches should definitely go out for a pint at McMenamin's...the food's not too good, but all of these joints have a weird, artsy decor and a lot of good beers.

-Take the 45 minute drive to Nike in'll either make you love the brand or hate 'em even more...But it's worth seeing.

Alright, alright, I'm just kidding- it's a business trip...Matty, handle your business, win two games and get back to God's country. But on your way out of town, grab a pretzel at Gustav's in the Airport...can't go wrong there.

Purdue Entitled to a Win
Terry Hutchens from the IU Star liked the Boilers in the BT tourney...and he was right. Now, the leader of the free world thinks our Boilers are getting at least to the round of 16 to play UConn...He's a pretty big college fan, so I guess that's not a bad thing.
Nevermind the economy...get your bracket filled, Barry!

Purdue also seems to be the trendy pick by the braintrust of ESPN to be the #5 that can kick the most arse and jot down a few names, in the process...While they're absolutely correct, let's hope the young men based out of West Lafayette aren't believing whats on the Center.

If UND wins in the NIT and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound?
In the always-interesting NIT last night, some teams lost and some others won. Talor Battle's heroics kept the kitties hopes for number 66 alive...Steve Curry shot like he used to in the important tournament...and 15 domers came out to watch UND face Mike Davis' Blazers. EsPN told us how great the Irish fanbase was back in January...and they are still right! Their core fanbase of 5-or-6 is as good as any in the nation!!

Kickingstallionsims Out
Sadly, the Chief will not be playing any more games in the NCAA tournament. There will be no Kickingcardinalassims for 'Bama State.

Something for you to think about, and hatchet your bracket up with before the real dance begins- There are a few teams who drastically underachieved this season, but still might be able to make some noise in the field of 64.


All of these squads are chocked-full of talent...and all seemed to be motivationally-deficient, at least during stretches of the regular season. Perhaps the big stage, bright lights, and feeling of imminent doom will motivate these four to play to their potential...or, maybe they'll continue to not reach their potential and their coaches will continue stealing money.

Tough Picks
The 12-5 matchup is historically filled with upsets...but this year, it seems the 11-6 games might yield an upset or two, methinks.

Also, I think a 2 or 3 seed will fall in the first two days of the tourney...Just seems like we're due for a shocker like that.


Purdue Matt said...

I was amazed at how empty Bryce Jordan was for PSU's game. Wasn't it their first post-season game of any kind in years? There was no one sitting behind the baskets.

J Money said...

Matt, I know a number of PSU grads and they're rabid during the Fall.... but they act as though basketball doesn't exist. They seriously know NOTHING about their bball program. Kind of sad, given how big a program it is and how much support they COULD lend to it.

J Money said...

Dowd -- You'd like a team bus driven through YOUR gorge.

J Money said...

Most likely 3 to lose in the first round: Kansas. It's happened before ('06 against Bucknell).

boilerdowd said...

Bill Self still coaches them too!
(ref. Lute Olson for other coaches who won a nat'l. title yet generally struggled in the tourney).

You're hurtful, by the way.

Purdue Matt said...

I would much rather have a president who understood Economics 101 as opposed to Bracketology 101. The whole "our president is cool because he likes basketball" thing is way overdone.

Plang said...

Arizona is softer than a used tissue. Look for the Runnin' Utes to notch that victory before getting cold-cocked in the following game.

Anonymous said...


You certainly seem to know a lot about used tissues...

J Money said...

and cold cocks.


J Money said...

You know how sometimes you can just LOOK at a guy and know he's an arrogant, frat-boy douchebag?

Yeah, that's Andy Katz.

acacia1602 said...

Purdue Matt,

Context, man, context.

Just because he's talking basketball with (gasp) an ESPN guy doesn't mean he doesn't have a grasp of Economics. I have a degree in Economics and I talk smack about Purdue basketball with you jackals, not monetary policy nor the impact of incomplete origination information when pricing MBS's.

BTW, as an arrogant former frat-boy I am vaguely annoyed by those remarks, J Money. Andy Katz is in a class by himself when it comes to being a douchebag. Don't lump me together with him. ;-)

J Money said...

Acacia - your house was the only one I ever considered rushing, as I knew a guy there when I was a frosh who was a good guy... he wanted me to come by and check it out but I never did. Paths not taken, I guess.

And I meant the "frat boy" comment in the stereotypical sense, of course. Not blanketly saying you're all a-holes.

Unless you're a Pike.

acacia1602 said...

J Money,

Thanks. Truthfully, my objection was but a flutter. You were right, we are all a-holes.

Especially Pikes.

Thanks for conscientiously extending an olive branch nonetheless.

Now let's all focus on what's important - the fact that once again BS failed to provide the promised sideboobs. I've never been so disappointed in my life. It's like I have to nag you guys to provide the best part of your site. Sheesh. It's not like there are other places to find titillating photo's on the net.