Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Does This Man Look Sleazy?

Come on, now, I ask you... does this look like the kind of man who would expose his dong to underage women in a bathroom of a dumpy college bar?

Oh, yeah, okay. Maybe he does.

(Also, Ben, little piece of advice... changing your number to 38 and your name to "Davis" is not a good way to move on from this.)


Plang said...

All that is missing is the pinky ring...

acacia1602 said...

I don't know anything about this situation - and I confess I don't give a damn either (I'm a Bears and ex-Purdue players fan) but based upon the question posed, my first thought is: What are under aged women doing in a bar?

Not that it should excuse lewd behavior, should that be proven, but there's a difference between showing your dong in a bar and on a playground.

dozer8589 said...

Am I the only one that thinks Ben looks like Baby Brent from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs?"

Google it – the resemblance is striking.

dozer8589 said...


Roethlisberger gets 4-6 game suspension. 4 for the act, and 2 for the mullet.