Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Future Boiler...With Authority!

Most of you know who Rafael Davis case you don't, you should. He's coming to play for Matty in a few years...and is enthusiastic about his play (he's number 23).


dasMetzger said...

can we start an over/under on how many techs he's gonna get called for during his time at purdue?

start at 10

dozer8589 said...

I'm not worried.

Young kid + nasty dunk + loose "pickup game" atmosphere = technical foul for taunting.

I can't wait to see this move repeated over and over at Mackey.

Boiler Up.

PWS said...

Matty will straighten any worries out...

Unknown said...

if he can do that in mackey he can have as many t's as he likes

J Money said...

Boilerdowd loves the flashy guys.

Well, all guys, really.