Sounds like it's nearly a done deal.
And as much as I wanted to see Purdue playing in the state of North Carolina for the BT/ACC Challenge, they'll be heading to Blacksburg instead.
Va Tech will surely be ranked- probably in the high-teens/low-20s and it'll be a good atmosphere...but I wanted to see more of a traditional powerhouse on the schedule.
i'm trying real hard not to be bummed out here. its disrepectful and smacks of IU mentality ("oh, we're more storied...we deserve better"). f that
we're gonna get a solid team's absolute best shot, so no one should overlook this one. btfu
I don't think Matty will let 'em overlook this team... it'll be a ranked team from a power conference on the road. If they learned anything in Alabama last year (a team not nearly as good as V-tech), then they should be ready for this one. Add to that the fact that it's an early test and they should be hyped enough.
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