Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The Cradle's Overflowing

Sure, we have readers who think we're not paying attention to Purdue sports this summer. But, my pals at Comcast have been doing their best to derail the awesomeness that is BS. I haven't had a consistent internet OR phone, thanks to Comcrap in 10 days. So, between losing signal, I've been reading my sports updates on my iphone...and AT&T's fantastic service has allowed me to check the internet on my phone at speeds similar to my Net Zero dial up back in ought-ought.

Honestly, it couldn't happen at a better time as there isn't a ton going on around my favorite sports program. Sure, the yahoos are releasing their prognostications for this coming fall...and our Boilers are falling into their predictions of conference standings anywhere from the upper middle to the lower-third of the conference. All that's inconsequential.

But, getting a verbal from another solid QB is noteworthy. Granted, I'm not a big fan of slathering attention upon a kid who's not signed- so much can change between now and February (read as 'we need an early signing period for football')...but, Russell Bellomy has been a Purdue lean for a few months, so he seems like a pretty safe bet to come to Purdue (unless UT or another of their ilk decides to flutter their collective eyelashes at the Arlington, TX native).

The thing I'd like to look at is what this does to Purdue's stable.
If I was a betting man, which I'm not, I wouldn't put money on this happening as planned. Injuries, defections and position changes coaching changes and anything else can render this handy-dandy chart useless. Plus, I think Rob Henry will be playing another position as early as this fall...and will be a damned-good slot receiver by the time he leaves campus. But, once again, that's just an educated guess.

What we do know is that 18 and 19 year olds change their minds from time-to-time, so things can change. But we also, as a fanbase, should be very excited and pleased that a player with offers from MSU, Boise State and a ton of others thinks Purdue is the bestest of the bestest. I'd guess Bellomy will be a high-3 or low-4 star-rated recruit come mid-fall. But moreso, this kid is really smart, has a good arm, possibly better feet and plays against very good competition down in Texas...what's not to like?

What might be more interesting to note is Danny Hope's taste in quarterbacks. All five of those with the highest odds to become a starter in the next 5 years seem to be able to pass the ball well and run as the situation dictates. Run-first and pass-only QBs seem to need not apply. Plus, these types of QBs like what they see and hear from Hope and Nord.

My opinion of Hope's recruiting philosophy and results is "so-far, so-good". If the quality of players and speed of the team keeps trending the way it is, as Hope builds depth across the board, Purdue will be a team that people outside of the Purdue family won't be able to ignore.

Keep it up, Coach Hope!


dozer8589 said...

Yeah, but what about Danica?

THANK YOU for the Boiler Football update. I am sorry for your internet woes. It makes me feel a little guilty about hijacking the Calhoun rant to scoop you on the Bellamy signing...

...but only a little.

CalTravelGuy said...

Now, I admit I don't know much about this prospect and, no offense... but I don't consider it much of a win to beat out MSU or Boise State for a QB. Wasn't every single H.S. quarterback in the USA watching the Superbowl earlier this year. Quick... name 2 or 3 GREAT Boise state NFL QB's. Tiller failed to capitalize on the Brees factor... Danny Hope better not. Remember the long line of QB's at FL, FSU & Miami when those programs were rolling? Our program doesn't compare to those, but Purdue University should have a Top 25 recruit at QB every single season. Just my opinion.

boilerdowd said...

ChiBoiler, say what you want about Tiller, but this is a different era. Marve & Robinson last season, followed by Bellamy this year is a pretty good haul in just two seasons. I really don't care about the NFL, honestly. Boise State is an every-other season BCS team who wins their BCS games and has excellent exposure. Dantonio and MSU attract big-time recruits and they're in conference, so it's a big get.

I think Brees' mantra of telling guys to go to Purdue is paying off right now with young QBs...and Hope is smart enough to capitalize.

Dozer, don't feel bad, even a big deal. I had been watching the Bellamy situation unfold, but couldn't post for much of yesterday and early I await Comcast to finally put my old modem out of its misery...between 1:00 & 5:00 (or so) this afternoon.

dozer8589 said...

Only a four-hour window? What kind of big shot are you?!

boilerdowd said...

They heard about BS and knew the stakes were high.

Purdue Matt said...

Bellomy is spelled wrong in that graphic.