Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Officially Unofficial...


Michael R. said...

Heh, something tells me that the Big 12 doesn't know ahead of time like Dulaney said he would do.

I welcome the corn people but I question this as the normal rumor mill lately as oppose to fact. So many rumors have been circulating lately that you can't trust a thing including this.


boilerdowd said...

There's smoke here...,247065

Plang said...

Until I hear an official remark from Nebraska or Delany, I'm not buying it.

If this is for real, that means no UND this year.

zlionsfan said...

Yeah, this could be just another puff of smoke in the long list of smoke ... after all, the deadline was just supposed to be for Nebraska and Missouri to promise not to leave the Big 12, cross your heart and hope to die. All Nebraska would really be saying is "No thanks, we don't promise to stay."

It does fit nicely with the rumor about Texas + five schools not named Texas going to the Pac-10, but then the Big Ten already sent out five invites, lol.

Joe said...

Would this be in place for the up coming season? Would big ten go to 2 6 team divisions with a championship at end of season? This could be huge for the conference.

Georiga Boiler said...

You guys need to read this crap. I thought it was a joke, but I think this guy is serious.

boilerdowd said...

It wouldn't be in place for this season...but I haven't heard a definitive time table.

J Money said...

Good link, Georgia Boiler... wow, that guy oughta wipe his mouth.

Seriously, yeah, they've "got their pride still intact."

After cheaters, girlfriend-abusers, rapists, etc., all ran through there in the '90s. Whatever.

Unknown said...

i know my opinion on this isn't much supported around here, but i gotsta throw in my .02.
yeah yeah, we get a "storied program" with a huge fan base. but our expansion of the BTN prob won't be that significant based on UN. and academically, nebraska is a community college compared to many of the b10 schools. we all hate notre dame, but they're such a better prospect.

Plang said...


I agree with you, but if anything I've been reading has any truth to it, Delany's invite to Nowledge U. came because UND still does not want to be part of the Big 10.

J Money said...

John -- I don't see where we've cheered for this.... only mentioning it and opening it up for discussion/debate.

UND no doubt does more for the conference and tv revenue, etc.

Unknown said...

yeah, i hate it but i get the feeling we're gonna be jilted by ND yet again. at least in the media and general public's eye. this really pisses me off. in many ways, it'd be nice to have nebraska in the b10. i just feel kinda like it's xmas and i got new underwear from my grandma instead of a powerglove for my nintendo.

zlionsfan said...

I think it would be no sooner than 2011. There's no way they could adjust schedules at this point for 2010 even if what's left of the conference would let them go that quickly. Seems like there was about a two-year lag between Penn State's admittance and their first actual Big Ten season.

With Colorado committing to the Pac-10, there will be no illusions about the Big 12: with at least three schools out (assuming Nebraska does say yes on Friday and Missouri does not commit to staying) and none likely to join, there's no reason for anyone other than Iowa State and the Kansas schools to stick around.

I'm hoping there's still a package over there behind the desk for us to open. If all we got was a bowling ball, well, whatever. Nebraska is a nice addition as part of a package but not quite what we were hoping for on their own, other than a) we can now have a championship game, meaning BCS visibility without moving the last weekend of games, and b) it's not Notre Dame, who can suck it, by the way.