"Look at that dude!"
Open walk-on tryouts are being held at 6 am on October 18. If you have ever had the desire to try to walk on to a D-1 program and you're a Purdue student, you should do this. It's an experience you'll never forget, no matter how it goes. And if you do it, we want a full report. Your experience will be posted on BS and we'd also love to have you on as a guest on the podcast.
So, who's got the stones?
Last I check, I still have 4 years of eligibility. Thank goodness for the redshirt...
Friend of mine tried walking on 2 years ago, my sophomore year. He said they had to be there at 6 am and ran for about 3 hours. Didn't really tell me a whole lot else, he didn't make the team.
I'm mind-numbingly bad at basketball. I'll let others get all the glory.
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