Friday, January 07, 2011

Order Your Boiled Sports "Mission: Houston" Shirt NOW!

Maybe you haven't seen the handy link to the right of where you're looking right now. Go on over there. You're looking for a snazzy t-shirt stretched over a snazzy body. We'll wait.

Doesn't that look nice? (No, the t-shirt! We know the girl looks nice!) For a better look at the shirt -- and without the distraction of our lovely model -- here you go:

Here you can see Matt Painter's quote from when Rob Hummel went down in October: "Our goals haven't changed." The mission remains the same! To go to Houston!

And to that end, in the tradition of Houston being known as "Space City," Boilerdowd designed a mission patch for the back of the shirt, featuring Smooge, JJ and Matty as your leaders on "Mission: Houston 2011."

Shirts are available in men's and women's and in multiple sizes. Check the BS online store for availability. Price remains just $18 and that includes shipping! How can you go wrong? You aren't getting a shirt this nice for $18 in the campus bookstores!

Order yours today and help keep BS afloat. (See what I did there? Tossing a little guilt in at the end...)

The BS Mission: Houston shirt -- sure to become an instant classic. (I don't even know what that means.)


brown11b said...

I bought the "Marve-lous" t-shirts for myself, my wife, and my father-in-law to wear to home football games this past season and I think everyone knows how that turned out.

I like this shirt more than the Marve shirt, but I fear that by buying this shirt I will, yes, be supporting "keeping BS afloat," but also putting the knees of JJ, Moore, and Painter all at risk. I don't know that I want that on my conscience if one of the three of them were to get hurt this season.

boilerdowd said...

I hope you've been wearing the same underwear since the basketball team's winning streak began.

If not, the consequences could be disastrous!!!
Thanks for buying the Marve shirt though.