Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big Time Atmosphere, Big Time Win

Sparty was prepared for a tough road game in Mackey tonight, and stuck tight with Purdue into the second half. But, as Purdue's guards extended, and JJ continued to alter shots, MSU was simply blown out of the water by Purdue's defensive pressure in an important BT contest. The atmosphere was hostile and loud...even some of the old guys got involved in making noise.

But sadly, some jackhole in row 16, Sec. 16 didn't like me standing up during different times of the game...and he was a Purdue fan.

Please note, I'm 5'4" (so wasn't blocking anyone's view)...wasn't cursing...and wasn't puting down any MSU players. This guy kept saying sit down. This of course forced me to stand up for the next three minutes. Then as the game got further out of hand, I turned around and asked him if it was OK that everyone in our section was standing. This jerk is what is wrong with Purdue sports. He's a microcosm for all of the small-time, unenthusiastic numb-nutted gold coats in the lower bowl that have to be all but begged to cheer, and even worse, don't like it when others are cheering, even in big games. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There need to be more Paint Crew members in the lower half of my alma mater's basketball arena. Sorry for the sidebar, but this garbage infuriates me.
Paint Crew killed it tonight

Paint Crew- EXCELLENT JOB! Everything from riding the worst three officials in all of the land, to ripping up IU when the opportunity presented itself- you guys were loud and in the game. And speaking of those horrible officials, my brothers and I were yelling at Jim Burr after missing a series of reach-in fouls early in the first half. Not only did he not ignore us, he made a chatting hand signal toward us...Dude is a pro, huh! That's a joke, to me that an official would acknowledge the crowd during a contest, but he's a joke. Half of the game he was making stupidly-large signals for violations, the other half, it looked like he was late for his bed time.
Stealing Money
And Valentine and Hightower were no better...and probably were worse (as our pal Boilergal pointed out). The hand signals that we all have come to know for traveling, reach in, over the back and other calls are all out...they've been replaced with jumping around, running and pointing to a spot on the floor or a player (as if you're angry at him) or making a hugging motion or something else non-sensical. There was a period in the early second half where they called 4 personal fouls on Purdue, in a :50 period...two on Moore. They were ticky-tack to say the least, and were simply lousy...But these three stooges, in spite of their best efforts, weren't the story tonight. Defense was.

From the get-go, both Purdue and MSU were contesting every pass, drive and shot. And, from the low-angle from where I was watching, it was clear there weren't going to be a ton of fouls called. Both teams were grabbing, slapping and holding to make it was physical- exactly what you'd expect from these teams and their coaches. And MSU, unlike Purdue in the early going, took advantage of free throw opportunities.

Not only was Purdue missing foul shots, our Boilers offense was pretty inept for the first 15 minutes or so. Outside of Hummel, not too much was working offensively. This trend changed in the second half as Jackson, Kramer and Grant started creating easy offensive opportunities by stifling the Spartans just as they started to run their offense. After that, Johnson's footwork couldn't be matched by Green, Gray or Suton. Johnson continues to look like an all-conference player.
The Ostrich showed signs of life as well as part of his game returned to form after a lousy showing in Iowa. He hit two three pointers and had two more go in and out...and on his first attempt, he was physically violated, and the refs didn't seem to notice the molestation. Hopefully, he can take it easy this Saturday. Grant played like he did last year as he shot 50% from behind the three point line. Atta boy, KG! Clearly, he's sick of hearing me ask the question, "where's the old Keaton?" Kramer was Kramer defensively, but had a couple of blocked shots that were impressive to me. Nemmy played well, but shot two three pointers in the first nearly missed the rim. Green played the game that I like to see him play- gritty, hard-nosed and with the defense-first mentality that makes this team tick. Lewis Jackson played at a fast paced on both sides of the court, and much to the chagrin of the ALJA, seemed to make everybody better...all while throwing up during his time on the bench as the flu that everyone else has had has made its way into LewJack's system. And finally, Smooge shot well, played good defense and rebounded very well...he had too many turnovers, but his silky-smooth game seemed to be a tough match-up for the Spartans.

In the closing minutes, Buckets and the reserve brigade was on the court. After Bobby broke the ankles of a back-up Spartan guard, he hit a 20 footer (long two pointer, not a three). At that point, Izzo pointed to his starters on the bench and said, "Remember this!"

I like Izzo, because like me, he's passionate and short and likes basketball a whole lot...but he's too good of a coach to believe that shot was offensive...further, this Spartan team shouldn't need any more motivation as Purdue goes to East Lansing in two and a half weeks. (Thanks to the Big Ten for this "random" scheduling, by the way)

Defining Moment
Both Chris Kramer and Robbie Hummel set up for a charge in the second half, and the officials made the call in favor of Purdue...with both Purdue players on the ground, the three remaining Purdue players came and helped their team mates up from the ground.

Fun Facts
-MSU has the largest rebounding advantage per game at 10+...tonight, they won this battle again, by just 5.
-Purdue is now 20-0 when holding their opponent to 64-or-less points in this season.
-Purdue's defense made yet another good team look lousy as Sparty shot 32.7% and had 22 turnovers.
-As a team, Purdue continues to shoot the three poorly...but they keep shooting; good, I guess.
-This is the first victory versus a top-5 opponent at Purdue since I was in high school (and Matt Painter was still a player in West Lafayette)...1992, for those of you who don't own my book. While it's good that this streak has been broken, that stat is still shocking to me. Hopefully, they won't go another 16 years until the next win of this genre.
Cat Woman
You probably couldn't appreciate it on TV, but Erin Andrews was wearing pants and high heels that made it look like she was a naughty kitty cat. Sure, she had her standard weird shirt on...but she is stunning in person. This year, I didn't get to talk to her after the game as she raced off of Mackey's floor, but my section was only about 20 feet from her post...close enough to watch her work. You've heard me say it before, she's a tireless in-game reporter who is constantly pouring over her notes and stats.
Oldy Olderson
While I didn't get to hear it, some friends of mine have told me that Vitale sounded pretty awful tonight. Well, he didn't look any better. Hopefully his health isn't poor, but judging by the way he moved around off camera, I'd think otherwise. I am glad I didn't have to listen to him on the TV though.

Next Up
The Forehead and Co. come to Mackey on Saturday to square off at 2:00 in the afternoon...It'll be televised on BTN. Special thanks to the Big Ten's awesome scheduling that keeps Purdue from playing IU twice in one season, for the second-consecutive year.


Boiler_Ditsor said...

I don't like this 64 point rule, but it sure works.

Great Game

Boiler Up!!

Boiler_Ditsor said...

Oh yeah, how 'bout them new unis!!

Anonymous said...

I don't rememeber hearing any of the Paint Crew taunting IU. What were they doing?

Great win over a very talented and very deep team. We will not take them by surprise in East lansing.

/also loved the double-charge moment. I hope a good pic of it turns up.

Purdue Matt said...

"There need to be more Paint Crew members in the lower half of my alma mater's basketball arena."

Much agreed. Look at the Breslin Center. They get it.

It was frustrating to see people so hesitant to stand and cheer. They should have been standing for every defensive possesion in the first part of the second half.

Wish I could have gone to this one.

Purdue Matt said...

Vitale sounded awful. Surprised that ESPN didn't pull him. He was painful to listen to.

The scheduling with IU really frustrates me too. We would have beat them at Mackey last year and would have beat them in Assembly Hall this year. That's 2 wins that should be on our side for the all time series tally.

Anonymous said...

MSU alum here. Enjoy reading the blog. Congrats on a supreme beat down. The positive for MSU? Only 3 more B10 conference games against PU until Kramer graduates (not including possible B10 tourney / NCAA tourney games)!!!

Boilergal said...

Crowd was great last night- our section (113) was very active, lots of standing, cheering, high-fiving- most active it has been this season. I thought the atmosphere was great- very loud, yet respectful (no BS cheer).

Good thing the crowd was so loud... otherwise Purdue might have been screwed out of a 1 and 1 opportunity in the 2nd half.

Also, did EA's pants look as tight in the good seats as they looked in the upper section?? Hey, she can pull them off- good for her. But, I had no idea that she was wearing pants like those to these games!!!

Boiler_Ditsor said...

About the Paint Crew being around the court - I TOTALLY AGREE

I was a proponent of that when I was a member of the student section. And I emailed Morgan Burke last year after the painful Wofford loss at home, asking him why in the world we do not do this. That was a Christmas break game and there was very little attendance. I WAS P*SSED OFF. A bunch of old folks in the lower bowl and a few louder fans in the upper bowl.

I wrote Burke and asked him why we didn't try and get students to the holiday games by offering cheap, or free tickets. And why in the world don't we give our students more seats in the lower bowl like every other Big Ten school, or most D1 schools for that matter (Duke, Clemson, MSU, Michigan, Illinois, OSU, NC etc... - they all have student sections that wrap at least half the court).

Burke replied, which is awesome, but he gave me some BS about how the Big Ten has rules on Student seating, and that we are already at maximum floor seating capacity with the section as it is now. I guess I totally do not understand this when you watch all of the other program's sections. You can't see half the court at Illinois because of their student section standing the entire game. That's total BS.

Get the Old Folks out of the lower bowl, and fill it with students and other fans that come to be just that - fans.

Anonymous said...

As Buzz once said, "This pisses the shit out of me."

If you go to the first non-AP photo gallery at the link below, about halfway through they have some terrific pics of the Johnson and Green dunks AND the reaction of the fans behind them. Look you old farts, it is not the Mackey Opera House. It is Mackey Arena, Home of the Boilermakers.

Plang said...

I was able to see the second half on TV. It was a good showing. I did see the period of 4 fouls right in a row. I started spouting off about the refs to my wife. She made the same sign to me as Burr made to you. Classy.

Vitale needs to retire - now!

MSU looked very frazzled when they were shooting in the second half. Good defense by the Boilers.

Anonymous said...

Re: Izzo's "Remember this"...Is it possible that he was simply referring to the entire night's beatdown, not just Riddell's 3? Just a thought...

Anyway, I was thrilled to finally see such a lopsided Purdue win over a quality team this year. I think that's what many Purdue fans were waiting for.

Anonymous said...

Worst part about the night was watching the recap of SC and having them refer to Hummel as "Rodney Hummel" and pointed out to me on off tracks "Marcus Graham" Enjoyed the game from my seats in 116, still a lot of empty seats behind me but great game.

E said...

Vitale is a big fan of Nemmy, FYI. He made a comment about rarely seeing a play by him that wasn't positive or something. I guess he never sees the bricked threes that end up in fast breaks for the other team.

They said Vitale had a cold, hence his raspy voice.

Anonymous said...

The refs were equal-opportunity awful, at the very least. In the first half, I think MSU got the better calls by a little, but there was a long stretch in the second half where it seemed Purdue could (and, occasionally, did) get away with misdemeanor assault. The back-to-back possessions where Morgan got a foul for breathing in the general direction of the guy he was guarding and then got called for a travel after a Hulk Hogan-style takedown on a rebound were particularly galling. It seems as though Hightower crews think MMA rules apply in the paint or when you're shooting, but anywhere else you'd better not lay a finger on anyone. (And that's on their good nights. Last night was not one of them.)

That's not to take away from the win for you guys, though. The way we were shooting, we wouldn't have won that game even with competent refs. Might have been a 10-point game instead of 18, but that doesn't really matter.

Minto Took said...

Not sure if you recorded the game and watched it when you got home, but the lovely Ms. Andrews was fawning over Robbie and his bad back. Ah, the life of a college ball player.

boilerdowd said...

Last year she was about to give Kramer a back rub, this year it's Robbie...some guys have all the luck.

OhioBoiler said...

In an answer to the third post...we interject "IU Sucks!" into the 'Hey!' Cheer.

boilerdowd said...

PCD- you guys say that somewhere else the end of a song?

Keep up the good work.

OhioBoiler said...

Thanks, the support for the Paint Crew is really great. And You're right about the other song, but I can't seem to think of it off the top of my head...