Monday, February 02, 2009

I guess everything's OK...Good News!

The Big Ten tells me that Krab's pick versus Purdue wasn't anything more than a normal basketball play. I guess that's good news for the ever-growing number of collegiate basketball players using creative means to play the game.

I don't care if Krab called LewJack and apologized or if he gave him a hug and helped him up after the incident (which he didn't). It doesn't matter. I don't really care how many scars Krab has on his face and head from playing basketball either. What he did would have made any NHL goon (or Wisconsin basketball coach) proud...and indeed, that's fitting from the land of hockey. But, unlike hockey, Jackson doesn't wear pads or a helmet...thus he still hasn't passed a post-concussion test and might be held out of his second-straight game due to the after-effects of Krab's completely-clean, sportsman-like* play.

I don't put Harris' play on the same level of maliciousness as the Krabbenhoft pick...but I don't think either are within the framework of the rules of the game.

Honestly, I have no idea why the last two weeks have been so volatile in the world of college basketball, but I know the trend isn't good. I also know that the Big Ten's limp-wristed way of enforcing the rules is exactly what we have grown to expect from the office of the worst and least-consistent officials in all of the land.

Be forewarned, Commisioner Jim, this ruling is setting a lousy precedent.

*completely-clean and sportsman-like are defined by the Big Ten director of officiating, not

1 comment:

J Money said...

As I said to you, I've been sensing a brawl coming. You so rarely see them in college hoops, but imagine facing a team for a third time in your conference tourney and one of these violent incidents happening again... any of them. I just think things are getting out of control and it's up to referees, conferences and coaches to get it under control. No matter whose feelings get hurt in the process.