Friday, February 13, 2009

Leaked: Purdue's New Basketball Uniforms

Don't ask questions, just enjoy the pre-press conference goodness...
I gotta admit, after my b*tching and moaning about Nike earlier today, these are pretty mean...the black are flat-out bad ass.


T-Mill said...

I have a feeling the black on black numbers will be epic fail on the level of white on gold that we had in football in 2002

Hooba said...

Those look VERY good! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

We had black numbers on black uniforms in the mid-to late 90s and Larry Clisby always complained about them.

J Money said...

The difference, though, is that in football you absolutely need to have clear numbers b/c fans and broadcasters are further from the action AND the players are covered up. In basketball, well, they could play without numbers and I think Clis and the rest of us would know who is who.

Add me to the side that loves 'em. I always appreciate subtle improvements over sweeping "futuristic" looks.

Scotty Leisure said...

I like them a lot. The whites look amazing. The jerseys are cooler than the shorts, though. As F said, the blacks look like just the athletic shorts you'd buy at the bookstore. I love that they kept the same block numbers and used a similar design theme.

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, I'm sure 10+ years has improved Larry Clisby's eyesight. I like the look of both, the home uni looks best.

Anonymous said...

What about gold????

J Money said...

Good call, Anon. I was just talking to Boilerdowd about that the other day.... to the best of his memory, the last time we wore the goldies was during Carindal's senior year, we THINK when we went to the Elite Eight and lost to Wisconsin. I think I agree that that's the last time I remember them, too.

They definitely need to bring them back as alternates for big games.

Anonymous said...

Purdue did wear the gold against iu in coach painters first year during the purdue iu game at mackey.

Also during keadys latter years gold was worn for big games. i want to see them back!!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I'm not really a fan of them...thought they were going to be better. Either way, DOWN WITH SPARTY!

Anonymous said...

They said in the press conference we will have new gold alternates next year released by nike.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Purdue did wear the gold against iu in coach painters first year during the purdue iu game at mackey.

Thai Version jerseys

Unknown said...

These athletic shorts are really good.and this uniform really impresses me a lot.