Monday, February 02, 2009

Tom Crean -- Fashionista

It's hard for any coach to look cool -- apparently. Many of the coaches around the NCAA wore sneakers with their suits and just looked, well, goofy. As we pointed out, Matty Painter went with a casual look but wore, as Boilerdowd put it, "blousy pants with fifty pleats."

Down in Bloomington, though, apparently Coach Crean overslept and came to the game in his jammies, only throwing on a red shirt three sizes to big for him. Seriously, what was up with this look?

Boilerdowd got a text on Saturday saying, "Does Crean realize he's coaching a Big Ten game and not a practice against Athletes in Action?"

"Coach, I can't take you seriously in that outfit."

"Did you see what coach is wearing??"

It is good, however, to see Terry Hutchens getting some work:


boilerdowd said...

Hope you're happy now, BWA.

Boiler_Ditsor said...


Captain MaƱana said...

Hey, it was "Casual Saturday" in Bloomington, cut Tom Crean some slack. If I were an IUer I'd be far more ashamed/appalled with the last picture because it so aptly illustrates just what a circus IU basketball has become!

Then again, when your team is headed to a probable 0-19 record in the Big Ten, you have to generate fun and excitement in other ways - Lee Corso would be SO PROUD! Cue the circus music...