Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Alright Forehead, I don't ask for much...

I don't ask Bloomington for much...in fact, I don't think I ask the cream and crimson for anything...but I'm making an exception this evening. Coach Forehead and your band of merry yes-men...Do me this one solid- beat the Spartans.

I know, I know, they're bigger, stronger, faster, more-athletic, more-experienced and much better-coached than you guys...but anything is possible, right? Crean has led IU to improvement-upon-improvement...wins over the always-respectable...uh...OK, nevermind, but wins, none-the-less...too many to focus upon individually right now. Dwayne Wade-type efforts have led to the BTN to remind us about IU's improvement each contest...and the never-say-die attitude so bravely-espoused by the Forehead himself has been the topic of conversation ad nauseum. Now's the time to see how much fight Dumes and Co. really have in them.

It really isn't beyond imagination that IU would beat MSU. I mean, these Hoosiers are a tough bunch...I'm rooting for the underdog, tonight...Go get number two, Hoosiers!!

Granted, none of us here at BS thought a Big Ten championship was in the cards after the rocky start to the BT season, but it's not an impossibility, yet. The only way a regular season banner can be earned in East Lansing this coming weekend for the black and gold is if our rivals to the South step up this evening in Ass Hall.

I warned you guys!!
Sorry for abandoning my post over the past few days...J and Tim did very well without me. But the UM game was predictable and painful. The motivated Wolverines were in control most of the game...and played like their post-season lives depended on it...Too bad they couldn't have played with a little-less-urgency as they did the very next game. Purdue and UM have a long and storied past of urinating in eachother's Fruit Loops; this season is no different, it seems.

aOSU Redux
Not much to say about this one other than, something something best-served chilled. The quote of the post-game goes to Thad Matta. He told his team after the game, "I brought boys to a man's fight." While he's absolutely right, that might not be the best motivational tactic for a bunch of former blue chips who have never been told anything but how great they are...Oh well. The nuts do look like they're in pretty good shape for the NCAA tourney though; you can't say the same for the Wolverines who seem to be the seventh team in line for a six-team gig.

My favorite photo from the game comes from GBI's Tom Campbell:
Green looks as happy as a school boy...what's the story with the one guy in the gray sweatshirt? Did Green steal his girl? Who knows. What we do know, is Buckets and Nemmy better get some love from the Paint Crew on Thursday. Make it happen, yo! Perhaps a smattering of people with buckets on their heads with eyes cut out? Or young co-eds with the Serb flag painted on their upper bodies a la the World Cup? Get creative.

I'm excited about Wednesday night- here's to the Paint Crew making NU pay for even pretending to believe they belonged competing with our Boilers. Hopefully, Senior Night proves to be a decided advantage, because NU has played very well on the road at times this season.

Post-Season Awards
Coach Painter has been named as a finalist for one of the COTY awards. That's good- he's deserving. But, I don't think he'll get the nod. If I was voting, I'd put Painter in third after Brad Stevens and Mike Montgomery...But, I'm not voting.

That leads us to another discussion- Who on this year's squad will receive accolades? I think JJ, Hummel, Smooge and The Ostrich will all get some love...and maybe even LewJack. But, I think JJ will be the only out-right All-Big Ten player. We'll know soon.


Purdue Matt said...

We play NU on 3/4, which is a Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

You are asking too much on this one.

boilerdowd said...

Anon, What??? We gotta believe!

Thanks for the heads up, Matt. I'll make the change.

T-Mill said...

"I brought boys to a man's fight."

I think it is the perfect motivation tool for guys that have had their fannies kissed for way too long. I still lvoe the look on the faces of all those 5-star Connecticut blue-chippers after they lost to George Mason. Classic!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how pleased Calasan would be with people painting their bodies with the Croatian flag on senior night. I don't know if you heard, but there's been a wee bit of bad blood between Croatians and Bosnian-Serbs (of which Nemanja is one). Toni Kukoc would be thrilled though.

Plang said...

Green is smiling in that picture because you can't see the girl just below his jersey numbers. See the three over his left shoulder looking down? Yes, they want to be Marcus Green.

Ross McLochness said...

I was at the OSU game and immediately after seeing the (deserved) Marcus Green love-fest I pondered an option that met mixed reaction.

If you're Matt Painter, do you start Green, Calasan, Riddell, Reid and Smooge on Wednesday? Of course you'd immediately throw the ball out of bounds and put in Kramer, Hummell, JJ and LewJack.

Or, do you save Reid for junk time?

boilerdowd said...

Anon- you're correct...I type too quickly; all apologies to Nemmy and his pals who visit the site.

Anonymous said...

We're in dire straits here, no doubt. Asking IU to win is the hail mary of all hail mary's. Let's all just own up to the fact that we pitched this year's regular season championship away. NOT in the first two games, but in the losses to Michigan and Illinois.

No reason any of this should affect our tournament play - and I don't mean B10 tournament. We beat IU already, so this season will be a success if we make it to the sweet 16, and a resounding success if we go further. It would be nice if we could beat an ACC and/or Big East team along the way too, so some of the bigmouth numbnuts on the boards will shut their pieholes for about 24 hours an Eee spunk pee en analysts have to eat crow. It's nice to have a dream. ;-)

Anonymous said...

boilerdowd - if Nemmy visits the site I, for one, would like to say STOP TAKING THE FUCKING THREE POINT SHOT, you moron. You SUCK above the arc. There. I feel better. Oh, and yay-go Bosnia whatever.

boilerdowd said...

I don't know if I'd say it that way...he's got about 65 pounds on me, and nearly a foot and a half...

I would say, "perhaps, sir, you would be better suited banging inside and using your frame to clean the glass than shooting it from way downtown?"

Anonymous said...

I like your attitude Boilerdowd re: an MSU loss tonight and while I, too, should be positive, well, it's a pipe dream - and when I say 'pipe', I actually mean a 4 foot bong... loaded with a big bowl of chronic!

Anonymous said...

That's funny, Calasan doesn't look like he weights 285. Odd.

Anonymous said...


I'd say you are a scholar and a gentleman. Neither word has ever been associated with me. BTW, if I could remember my password I'd login so you could trace this back to me and send Nemmy my address... but then again he'd have a hard time tracking me down, since I regularly go 2000 miles between posts.

Anyway, Forehead didn't have the nutsack to make it happen tonight, which means we need to crush the mildcats tomorrow and then let it ride against MSU. No point getting anyone injured. I see a lot of reserve play on Saturday. They get the win and then we play hard in the B10 tournament for a decent seed in the tournament. Chances are, MSU does the same.

Nemmy, if you are reading, I'm 5'11 and 38yrs old, so my time is come and gone, but as an old man I'll say from experience that a MAN needs to know his own limits. You went 2 for 2 against Michigan, but that's no reason to think you can do it successfully on a neutral court. See the Oklahoma debacle for confirmation. PLEASE work the post and work inside out. Otherwise coach will make you fellate a homeless person from Lafayette or (worse) Bloomington.

Boiler up!

boilerdowd said...

Nice work- sounds like a punishment that would make anyone think twice about taking a 21-footer!

Bois, you hurt me with your words.

Plang said...

Geez...reminds me of Gene Keady and the picture he carried around in his wallet of his wife naked. He would pull that out at halftime when his teams weren't playing well.

I think he lost that picture around 2004...

Purdue Matt said...

I concur with the above comments about Nemmy shooting 3's.

Unknown said...

so we didnt cut the eyes because the buckets didn't belong to me. but here is your bobby buckets idea in action!


iwasaki said...
