Friday, April 23, 2010

Jimmy Clausen Finally Pays For Being an Insufferable Jerk

From the moment he arrived at Notre Dame, we detested this punk. No, wait, check that.... from the moment he arrived at the College Football Hall of Fame in a limousine (presumably thinking it was like his prom), flashing high school championship rings (exactly four years to the day before he didn't get selected in the first round last night), and announcing he was going to Notre Dame, we loathed this douche.

We get accused of being too negative sometimes. We get accused of hating and not representing Purdue fans well. However, most of you, we think, come here at least partly because you like the sarcastic, sharp-tongued nastiness we sometimes espouse. And this is one of those examples where, I think you'll see the record reflects, we were right....again.

Jimmy Clausen was projected to be a star. He was going to be perfect for Chuck Weis' system, since it would basically be like playing in the NFL but against college teams. And then Jimmy barely survived his freshman year and the Domers went 3-9.

"But just wait until we get some guys for Jimmy to play with!" we kept hearing. Then you'll all be sorry. And then Jimmy went on to have two .500 seasons, following one with a bowl win over a less-than-mediocre Hawaii team, to run UND's record in the JC era (that's Jimmy Clausen, not the other JC, though I'm sure Jimmy sees them as similar) to 16-21. Wow. Impressive.

Jimmy, on one of his last weekends as a college football player, then managed to get his lights punched out in a restaurant/bar in South Bend. Of course, the story is that he was jumped by hoodlums (or an "irate fan"), because, as I'm sure we can all agree, this guy is just too damn sweet to have said or done anything obnoxious that might have precipitated someone wanting to spin his head around.

On his way out of office, Emperor Weis advised Jimmy Heisman and Golden Tate to declare for the draft. You know the cliches...they were "ready" and had "nothing more to accomplish." Nothing more than, you know, having a season with fewer than six losses. Or a regular season over .500. Or a win against USC.

Jimmy-boy then went and sat down with Jon Gruden for Gruden's Draft Camp routine, where Gruden -- I guess -- gives the kids advice and they watch some film, etc. From what I understand, the exchanges in this video (and some that aren't included in the clip I was able to find) were definitely talked about at the draft. Namely, the part where Pickles blames pretty much everyone else besides himself when things go wrong. Gruden clearly doesn't like what he's hearing in that regard and is doing his best to warn Clausen that isn't going to fly with the adults. Of course, Jimmy yes-es the Super Bowl winning coach and doesn't maintain eye contact -- dismissive, much? And where do you think Jimmy learned how to throw teammates under the bus?

Why, the master himself, Chuck Weis. The guy who loved to hear himself drone on and on during press conferences, saying things about certain guys didn't do this or that and then saying, "but it's on me." You know, the most disingenuous douche out there.

The point of all this rambling? Well, it's just that character has become a bigger deal to NFL teams over the years. And while being an insufferable a-hole to people gets guys like Clausen through high school and even through a place like ND, it does not work as well at the NFL level. This morning on the radio, I heard that at least two teams had Clausen rated higher than Sam Bradford (as per Peter King) but that Bradford's character is unquestioned, while Clausen's is a concern. Huh, interesting. Sounds like another UND QB who's always been a douche.

As reader Gregg Z sums up:

"Neither Jimmy 'Avatar' Clausen nor Golden Tate were picked in the first round, despite being ahem, "encouraged" by Weis to declare for the draft. Certain Domer faithful see this as Charlie's scorched Earth policy, robbing Kelly of key talent on his way out in hopes of burnishing his own image as an offensive mastermind. But whatever.

The Germans have a word for it-- schadenfreude-- satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. Not that Clausen or Tate aren't going to be multimillionaires in the next 2 days, but these guys seemed to believe (or were told by their barely-competent fired coach) they were First-round material. Like Nelson from The Simpsons says: Ha ha!"

Indeed. These guys could have come back to UND and played under a new coach who loves to throw the ball and, really, aside from injury risk, what would be the harm? Finishing out of the bowls again? Big deal. Maybe one of them would actually have wound up being a first-round pick.

Regardless, Jimmy Clausen is now considered a character risk, which is something we knew a long, long time ago.


ATL_Boilers said...

"Mel Kiper, Jr., who the hell is Mel Kiper, Jr," Bill Polian (paraphrased, poorly)

Kiper gets another one right - he had Clausen on his board at #1 way above Bradford... what an idiot.

Pickles can just shut out all the criticism like Patrick Roy (though with HS champ. rings)

tippet523 said...


J Money said...

Kiper had Jimmy as the fourth-best OVERALL player in the draft. Although I wouldn't be TOO hard on Mel... he was pretty accurate on a lot of his predictions, including at least the first five exactly right (not sure how many he got right b/c his mock drafts are insider-only; ugh).

And Jimmy may well be the fourth best player out there... which just illustrates how big a deal being a douchebag is.

Plang said...

Character came to light a few times last night. As a Denver fan, I watched them bounce around until they picked up Demaryius Thomas. Thomas may not have been the best WR in the draft, but he has a spotless off-the-field record. After dealing with Marshall for 3 years, the team went with a safer pick (and filled a need). Not sure if I agree with them taking Tebow in the first round. They have Orton and then that other guy (douche) in front of him. I wasn't happy for about two minutes, and then I thought to myself, "At least they didn't draft Pickles."

Boilergal said...

I absolutely loved watching the draft, pick after pick, with Claussen's name at the top of Mel's list... yet no one chose him! Priceless! Why didn't the ESPN cameras camped outside his California camp ever actually show Claussen as the night went on? If I was making the decisions of which QB to draft next, it would definitely be Colt McCoy- he is a proven winner. Claussen is an arrogant showboat that will not be willing to do what is necessary for the team... he only cares about himself.

PWS said...

Yeah, I love it...Great article...

Purdue Matt said...

Wow....that video of Jimmy with Gruden is not flattering.

T-Mill said...

I love that Tebow got picked ahead of Jimmy Montana. Apparently someone realized that wins was more important than technique.

Anonymous said...

Should we start a pool ... see which unlucky (err... stupid) team drafts Pickles? I'll take Buffalo. I wouldn't mind seeing Pickles freezing on the bench. The humility might do him some good.

J Money said...

Minnesota's going to take him, I think.

Ryan said...

Haha, 40 picks deep, still nobody wants him.

zlionsfan said...

It's worth remembering that Roy also said that during a season in which his team ended up winning another championship.

So Clausen is going to Carolina. This should be fun. The Panthers have "rebuilding" rewritten all over them. Fortunately, I don't root for the Panthers anyway, so it won't be much of a stretch to continue that.

By the way, I love the Ryan Leaf mention in that Gruden clip.

Coach Maley said...

Saw a comment you made on club trillion. Decided to take a look at your blog. As a fan of the big ten, I like your insight. Keep up the good work.