Monday, April 12, 2010

JJ Reportedly Will Enter Draft by This Weekend

According to Sporting News, JJ will enter the draft this weekend, but according to rumors, will not yet hire an agent.



von Nostrand said...

As long as he doesn't hire an agent, I expect him to come back. This may be a great opportunity to see what parts of his game need work, which can make the team stronger next year.

Ryan said...

Is he really projected in the 25 to 45 range like that link suggests? Seems way too high for him. least there's still a chance. How long does he have to pull out?

mwilson0701 said...

I wouldn't have been as worried by this announcement in any other year, but with the new NCAA deadline for players to declare I am scared he is gone. Any other year he would have had around a month to go through workouts and camps, but now I think the new deadline is early May. Not good news for Boiler faithful.

PWS said...

Yeah, I think it is May 8th

Erin said...

I just don't think he is ready. Maybe what happened to Robbie and Butler from WVA scared him and he wants to go incase he would get hurt his senior year? I think I would rather make a run for a championship then sit on a bench but what do I know?

Purdue Matt said...

What an idiot.

Getting dominated by Keaton Nankivil and Tom Pritchard doesn't translate very well to NBA success.

dozer8589 said...

Attention Mr. Hale, your scholarship is ready.

Joe said...

Still think 0% chance he follows through with it.

4thandshort said...

Remember Carl Landry did the same thing. Didn't hire an agent put his name out there to test the waters. Pretty much found out he needed to come back and he did. I suspect the same will happen with JJ or at least I really hope so

BoilerBrian said...

From JJ's Twitter, "still haven't decided either way yet..." It's not over folks; looks like this report was a little premature.

Unknown said...

his twitter says he hasn't decided either way! He has to know he is killing us all.

zlionsfan said...

I don't see anything wrong with JJ testing the waters. Hopefully he finds his craft just a little bit small to sail into that ocean just yet. (I don't have a problem per se with him choosing to leave, I just don't think it would be a good decision for his future.)

Ryan F said...

I'm pretty sure he DOES know he's killing us, hence trying to reassure us that it's not a given he will be gone.

A. Mizener said...


Michael R. said...

Agreed with previous post, its like Purdue saying, no you can't go we need more graduate research on the mating rituals of snails, this research may need more work from undergrads before progressing to a decent career.

There is no need for us to restrict his ideas.

Daniel Kirkdorffer said...

JJ is in a tough position given the fact that now that he's thrown his name in the hat he can't give scouts the impression he's not serious, or else they'll not waste any time evaluating him. So even if he just intends to test the waters, but come back, he's pretty much has to keep fans guessing, even if he intends to return.

I'm sure he'd rather be more open about it all if he could be.

boilerdowd said...

Matt, why the name-calling?

DavidS said...

Look I want JJ to come back as much as anyone, but this is what I would have advised him to do. I'm sure the coaching staff and his family are doing the same thing. Even if you think there is only a 10% chance you actually go pro, go hear from the scouts, figure out what you have to work on, and come back ready to bust your ass next year. There is really nothing to lose by declaring and not hiring an agent. It is the smartest decision he could have made. Let's just all hope he doesn't get too much positive feedback and comes back to school.


Purdue Matt said...

Because it makes me feel better.

J Money said...

Brian -- the report wasn't premature... he IS considering going. That's all anyone is reporting.

Hope you optimistic-thinkers are all correct and this is just curiosity.

Matt -- Not nice to call 21 year old kids idiots for being curious as to whether they could be hired for a job making several million dollars over a few years. Sounds like common sense to at least check it out rather than idiocy.

Purdue Matt said...

He should be committed to Purdue and the team goals he set with Rob and Smooge.

boilerdowd said...

Your lack of logic, Matt, is perplexing and your perspective seems short-sighted and egotistical.

There's a lot more at play here.