Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Take Off the Gold-Shaded Glasses For a Moment

Let's all be logical, for just a minute...I know it's tough when emotions are involved, but this needs to be done.

JaJuan Johnson is a damned-good basketball player. In fact, he's feared by many fanbases and players alike, not only in the BT, but throughout the NCAA ranks. We've seen him go toe-to-toe with great big men and come out on top. We've seen him block shot after shot, while infuriating the opposition and changing the course of a game. Hell, even in his most-recent game for our Boilers, he recorded 23 points, 5 reb, 4 blocks and 2 steals...versus the eventual national champion.

The guy's good, no great. And, he's been good for three seasons for our alma mater. That's worth something to me. He deserves a bit of understanding, in my opinion, and more than that, deserves support.

On top of being a good guy on the court, he's been spotless off of it. From my friends on campus, to donors, no one has a bad thing to say about the guy. And, on the few occasions I've actually talked to him myself, he's been great. He's part of the Purdue family...and he's one of the foundation stones of the new era of Purdue basketball, let's not lose focus on that.

On the message boards, on this site, on Twitter and elsewhere, there's been flat-out vitriol directed at 25, the guy my 4 year old son and others call JJJ...and I don't get it. He's one of us, he's a Boilermaker. He's a late-bloomer- he wasn't on any recruiting radar as a Frosh or even Sophomore in high school. He's worked hard, become more skilled and has earned the right to take some time to make sure he's making the right decision.

I'll admit it, the imperfections of his game have infuriated me at times. Don't think I don't see those. I'd love for him to be meaner, more-aggressive, mentally and physically-stronger and more-consistent...but, in my opinion, his best basketball is in front of him. And just like the rest of his game is rounding into shape, he'll get bigger and stronger...and even mentally, he'll become better. Hopefully we'll get to see some of that next season.

When I got out of school back in 1997, I played hardball in my first post-hiring interview. I got the company who hired me to pay me just under $40k...I felt like it was a pretty good deal. And most of you who read this have been or will be in a similar situation. Sure, you might be one of the lucky ones who made $50,000/year right after you got your undergrad degree, but we're all in a similar boat. This is where we really can't relate with JJ.

His decision won't make him or lose him a few thousand dollars in his first year out of school. The stakes are higher. He knows that, his family knows that, and get this, Matty knows that. None of them want him to do something he'll later regret, either way. It is possible to go to early, but this year is muddier as the players and the owners try to figure out whether they're going to settle their labor agreement without a stoppage. No one knows what's on the other side of the next agreement, but many current players, agents and future players are anxious about what's coming. This plays into JJ's difficult decision.

Where does Johnson stand in a talented draft class? The year someone comes out can change their perspective and help them make their decision. And while we as Purdue fans might have become spoiled by JJ and notice the flaws in his game, tons of people in the know are pretty-enamored with his combination of athletic ability, length and ability to shoot it to 20 feet...kind of a deadly combo. His shooting ability creates match-up problems, especially at the 4, where he should probably be playing anyway.

Another HUGE factor is being close to his pal Rob this and last season. He's watched Hummel get hurt not once, but twice and probably because of that, understands how fragile and tenuous someone's physical value as a basketball player can be. Plus, from what I gather, he's pretty good friends with Evan Turner who also had a serious injury this season that probably made Turner wonder if he had made the correct decision in returning this year.

Turns out for Turner, coming back was a very, very wise and lucrative decision. I think Turner wanted to come back and win a BT title- he did that. Sure, they fizzled-badly in the NCAA tourney, but his standing as a player and prospect was only aided in this year's campaign.

But for every Turner, there's a Harangody, or worse Butler-type player...Like I said, this is a tough decision.

So before you badmouth the guy again, ask yourself a question- Does negativity endear us as fans to JJ? It surely doesn't help. Whether or not he reads this site, GBI or others, the word spreads fast, and his friends might. We're still people, so is he...his exploring of this option doesn't make him stupid in any way. If you can't understand the gravity of what he's pondering, your intelligence should be in question.

In my opinion, there's more than one way this can go and still have it end positively for all sides...but there are variables in the equation that NO ONE on this earth can foresee. For selfish reasons, I think it'd be great if he'd return...but we'll all have to wait a month or so to know if we get to enjoy one final season of watching number 25 with Purdue on his chest.

Either way, I'm rooting for his success...and anyone else on the roster who might or might not be going through the same thought process. Not all players do, but the guys on this roster deserve such respect.


Sean said...

Preach on - first and foremost, he is a Boiler and we should support him regardless of his decision.

...that said - please come back JJ!

J Money said...

Great post, sir.

mwilson0701 said...

I haven't seen quite the vitriol you have, but I generally agree with your post. As a fan I would love to have him come back and truly hope he does. The most concern I have about him entering this year is that there is so little time for him to gather information about where he stands. Painter was quoted earlier this month, "The one thing is you want an opinion from NBA people, but NBA people aren't just going to give you a blanket opinion about somebody until they see who else is in the draft". Now we are getting a clearer idea about who will be in the draft every day, but with the new deadline and the fact that the 2 major draft camps are a month after that deadline it will be a difficult task to get an evaluation before he has to decide. All that said, if he feels he is ready for the next level and can get some financial security, we would be foolish to tell him he is making a mistake.

DavidS said...

This is a great post. As I mentioned in the comments of the previous post, checking out what the scouts have to say is the smart decision. What would make him an "idiot" is if he didn't look into it. If he were his father, brother, coach, teacher, financial advisor, lover, #1 fan, classmate, etc., I would tell him to declare and just not hire an agent. He can get all the feedback from the NBA and then make an educated decision on his future.

Regardless of what happens, it has been great having him as a fellow Boilermaker.


John said...

Here, here. My thought exactly. After my initial 5 stages of grief reaction, I agree with you 100%. Of course I want to see him back, but he's our guy. I'll be a fan forever, but I'd love another year in Old Gold and Black.

Karissa @ CardioFoodie said...

Although I don't want to, I mostly agree with the post. I am still hanging onto some fresh anger from realizing the dream of the Big 3 taking us to Final Four next year could be over. I cannot imagine being in his position or making the decision he is faced with; however, I still hope we get to see Purdue reach its much awaited potential next year.

Erin said...

I didn't realize that people were bad-mouthing him. Yeah, that's not good. If I saw that and I was him, I would be thinking - you guys are jerks, I am out of here.

Plang said...

Thank you, Boilerdowd. I was waiting for this.

Brad said...

Well said.

I agree that JJ has to carefully weigh his options, and make the best decision FOR HIM. I really hope that decision is for him to play another season in West Lafayette, but if he goes to the NBA, I'll happily cheer him on with every Thunderdunk.

Chris said...

Thank you. I was close to turning on one of our own kind after reading one particular commentor on this site and others who ran his mouth. I think JJ is being diligent and as much as I'd like for him to return, I think he's handling it in a responsible manner and I respect that.

boileraae said...

I would say some of the initial reaction yesterday, especially in the comments at Hammer and Rails, was over the top. People calling him selfish..... smells of hypocracy.

Anyway, it's rediculous to get so bent out of shape out of yesterday's news. If he had hired an agent, we could all lament the loss to Purdue (while still wishing him the best of success in the future), but since that didn't happen it's just pure speculation whether he's staying in the draft or not. He absolutely needs to declare in order to get a better picture of where he stands in the pecking order.

That said, I hope for my selfish reasons that on May 8th he's back in our fold, but if he isn't, more power and the best of luck to him!

James H said...

Finally someone is mature enough to understand how to take JJ's decision. This is America people, and if someone wants to make a perfectly legal choice that could make them millions of dollars, then who are we to tell them not to. Grow up and stop being selfish. And he isn't even guaranteed to be staying in the draft!!!

Purdue Matt said...

I will reserve judgement until he makes his final decision.

Scruffy_P said...

I've met JJ's mom and some of his family, they're nice folks and I'm sure they're going to make sure the decision he comes to is the right one for him.

If that means he goes to the draft, well, so be it... just go back and watch all the highlight dunks he's given us in three years and you prolly wont be so sad or angry.

I still love following Carl Landry in the NBA and am thrilled at his success, I watched his senior year here as a student and never doubted that he would do well at the next level. I personally think JJ needs to develop a little more of the fire like Landry had, but I still see him doing well in the NBA, should he choose to go now.

Unknown said...

In reality, there are only two reasons to stay. The obvious one is that if he isn't going to be a first round pick he better off returning as opposed to risking not being drafted at all and ending up somewhere in Europe or the developmental league.

But, there's also the loyalty factor to Robbie and E'Twan.

When Robbie went down the dream all but died for Kramer and Grant. They came on board when the program was at rock bottom and took responsibility for building it back up. They fought through injuries and surgeries, and damn it, they deserved better. This was their last chance (hell, this was THE chance) and all it took was the blink of an eye to disrupt everything that had been so carefully scripted for two years. It wasn't fair, but there was no one to blame.

Now, it's Robbie and E'Twan that deserve better, and if JJ bolts it's not an accident that's out of everyone's control...it's a calculated decision. These guys aren't just college friends that will probably go their separate ways and never see each other after graduation....they've worked and sweated together and shared joys and sorrows. It's likely they'll be crossing paths for the next several years, and I hope JJ doesn't have to look Robbie and/or E'Twan in the eyes during warmups in Charlotte, Houston, or Seattle and know deep down that he took their dreams away.

I hope for the next month or so JJ spends a lot of time thinking about dreams, and not just dreams of a big payday.

Ryan said...

Entering the draft is the right thing to do right now, he needs to hear what scouts think about him. The only situation in which I will be annoyed is if he doesn't pull out of the draft and then doesn't get drafted in the first round. That will likely not bode well for his career, and if both his career and our 2010-2011 season are ruined, I will be very upset...both for him, and the fans.

dozer8589 said...

I don't see the gloom and doom that many are seeing.

True, JJ is an amazing talent, but he also had nights when for whatever reason he didn't show up (probably because he's human after all).

We finished the season with what, 6 losses? Is that because JJ wasn't playing? If memory serves, he was in most of those games, including the a$$ kicking at the hands of Minnesota in the B10 Tourney.

My point is, if JJ leaves, he gets a well-deserved shot at the NBA. The Boilers get a team that is still deep and nasty, AND the open scholarship makes room for another of Painter's amazing recruits - Donnie Hale.

We get two, count 'em TWO, 4-star guards plus Carroll. Marcius comes in. Bade has an entire off season to work things out. I could name others, plus the obvious "dynamic duo" that will make Purdue loaded and dangerous. True they'd be illegally good if JJ stays, but let's not break out the sackcloth and ashes if he leaves.

CalTravelGuy said...

All good comments and points... JJ deserves and will do what is best for him. If Hummel is healthy, Purdue is a Top 10 team with or without JJ next year. We don't need a perfect storm of luck to get to a Final Four... we need a little luck and a four game win streak in March. Look at some of the teams that have made the Final Four over the past three decades. Our day is coming guys... don't be surprised if we get there a couple years in a row under Painter.

paulo said...

I would be lying if I said I didn't care if JJ came back or not, but how do we expect to get talented players like JJ if that very talent makes them marketable at the next level - and we fail to support them? Assuming we can land Dawson, does anybody think he will even last 3 years before moving on? Nonetheless I am sure he is watching how the fans react here. Are they supportive of the players or are they just selfish brats?

CalTravelGuy said...

This site has a mock draft for 2010 and a mock draft for 2011. They don't have JJ going in the first or second round in 2010 and have him going 7th in the second round in 2011.


I personally think this is right on... JJ will probably be an early second round pick in 2011. I love his game in our system at Purdue, but I really don't see him as a first round pick in 2010 or 2011. We'll see.

Joe said...

not sure why everyone has given so much praise to donnie hale.

Purdue Matt said...

Well said Jim. My thoughts exactly.

IndEY said...

Uh-oh...Smoodge too!


Anonymous said...

Long term, I think it is good for the program to have Boilers in the NBA. If a recruit knows that Purdue is a good place to go to get noticed/prepared for the next level, it is just one more reason to go to Purdue. If anyone thinks that they can look into the future and predict what is the best path for Purdue Basketball, they are fooling themselves.