Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Great American Pastime: Napping

I'm tongue in cheek in my tone most of the time when I make fun of baseball. I played it into high school and enjoy going to a game (as long as I like the people I'm with). But seriously, baseball apologists, what can you say about these stories?

While I've never been diagnosed with it, I'm positive I've got some level of Attention Deficit Disorder...and I'm OK with that. But the byproduct of my inability to focus makes baseball tough to watch. In fact, in the desert times of the summer months, I'll sometimes doze to an MLB game. But, sleeping on the job doesn't have a place in any self-respecting institution...let alone an athletic endeavor...right?

Guess not.
An extra innings contest was so slow for former Met great, Keith Hernandez, that he recently fell into a deep, commercial break sleep. Perhaps he deserves credit for not sleeping during the first nine?
And future Hall-of-Famer Ken Griffey, Jr. was so zonked between innings that he couldn't get himself to the field...to hit. That's right, during a game, Griffey moseyed down to the clubhouse...probably to grab some Geritol...and couldn't resist the quiet calm of an empty locker room...so he got a lil' shuteye.

When was the last time someone outside the Raiders organization fell asleep in a football locker room during a game? How often have you heard of a young-ish play-by-play announcer dozing off...even for an NBA regular season basketball game?

Really it's not their fault...it's the game's. The season's too long, the games are too long.
Go Yankees.


J Money said...

A race car driver's job is to drive well. But sometimes they crash into the wall. This doesn't mean the sport sucks as a whole.

Need I really point out the embarrassing things that happen in other leagues?

boilerdowd said...

Two different incidents this week.

J Money said...

Also, I love the ongoing argument made by people who don't like/understand baseball: it's too long!

Okay, young lady, I know it's hard to pay attention that long and it's fine.

I would watch the Indy 500 if it were only 20 laps. I love auto racing!

boilerdowd said...

I don't understand it...true.

I played from the summer of my 6th birthday until the summer of my 17th. It perplexes me. I played every position except first...I also coached three seasons.

Only smart guys like you, George Will and President Obama can truly grasp the nuances of the game.

PurdueCE said...


watch that video. you guys should put it with the pictures on the blog... its hilarious because EVERYONE is watching

boilerdowd said...

That's pretty awesome. I think that guy might have had a beer or four that aided his sleepy demeanor. But, the fans around him are what make baseball games fun...God knows what's on the field doesn't.


J Money said...

Oooh, there aren't enough fires and deaths! Baseball is boring! Give me crashes!! Yeehaw!

J Money said...

I'd post some stories about open-wheel racing that were on Sportscenter last night (which is where you got these two) but the problem is... there aren't any stories about auto racing!

J Money said...

Also, Keith Hernandez is "young-ish" now? He's 56. I can't believe the guy isn't still playing!!

Bloomington.Boiler said...

First of all, baseball is a great sport.

Secondly, I can't take anything serious after the Go Yankees comment.

Third, who doesn't take a nap when watching golf?

It's not a bad thing.

boilerdowd said...

I enjoy napping during most of the summer sports...I'm with you, BB. While I'm an Indy Car fan, I'll even fall asleep during a boring race.

The summer makes me sad.

Can't wait until August.

J Money said...

Maybe they can plant land mines around the infield to keep it interesting for you.