Saturday, May 01, 2010

Oh Hells Yes

Thank you to whomever is responsible for this.


T-Mill said...

I wondered if you would give this a proper shaming, but it does kind of speak for itself.

Kevin said...

They would add so much class to the Big Ten...

BWAlaska said...

Wow. And I thought Clausen was a flammer...

zlionsfan said...

I think this needs to be considered during the expansion talks. Before they finalize things, Delany needs to get the other presidents in a room and show them this video. The reactions from qualified schools would include a mixture of shock and horror (that any school would intentionally produce and distribute something like this) and hysterical laughter (because it was Notre Dame).

Delany: So, what do you think?
Powers (UT): Uh, I'm not sure ...
Forsee (Missouri): Damn, that's funny! Do they always do stupid shit like that?
Delany: Yes, they do. Congrats, Missouri, you're in. Texas, see you in five years.

MattDSM said...

I can't decide which is worse - the one sleeve on the left arm, fake-playing a shamrock guitar or the blatant Penn State cheer ripoff.

Scruffy_P said...

I think i just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

U-P Boiler said...

The word Douchebag comes screaming to mind.

dozer8589 said...

I'm digging the "intestine" guitar...

A. Mizener said...


Dude looks like a frog...

dozer8589 said...

When I was a kid, I found a dead cat. It was in an advanced state of decomposition, complete with maggots and the like. It made me gag and shudder, and I quickly ran away. However morbid curiosity lured me back several times to look at it again.

I've watched this video three times now. I suspect soon I'll be poking it with a stick.

boilerdowd said...

dozer, I don't know how you did it...I can't get past 2:30.

Unknown said...

Boilerdowd, its only tolerable because of the cheerleaders. Thats the only way I can get through it.

Chris said...

I watched this wonderful video and a t-shirt idea came to mind:


We Are N-D!!!!

Chris said...

aaannndddd I should know his name is Brian Kelly, not Chip. Oh well, he'll get his 3-4 years and then it'll be someone else.

PWS said...

ahhhhh I can't get this out of my head...The cruelest form of torture....

Kyle said...

I think I saw 4 non-whites in that, and two were at the very end.

That music would have been laughable in the 80s, but I guess that fits since most of them still think its the 80s and ND is still relevant and good.

J Money said...

I like that Coach Kelly is in it but isn't (apparently) qualified enough to actually be heard.

Goodness, that is truly awful. And wonderful at the same time.