Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Ohio State Students Want In On This Bad Video Business

Alright, what the hell is going on here? Is there some sort of inside joke going on this week that we aren't aware of? When did midwestern college campuses turn into the end of Footloose?

Not to be outdone by Notre Dame, OSU students want to take a crack at making the whitest video ever. Have they topped "We Are ND"? You be the judge:

Seriously, football season, get here before this gets worse.


Benjamin said...

They can't even be original about it. Ole miss did this a few days before them and I guess they felt the need to be cool and copy off of them. Ole miss one was much better too...but maybe that's because I'm really really biased.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

I'll be perfectly honest with you; I didn't think it was that bad...

But the comment about this being the "whitest video ever" was just hilarious. So true.

J Money said...

Hey, remember when those people got married and did that clever, original, funny wedding dance and it got like 10 million hits on YouTube? That was a couple years ago. It was clever and funny and neat then... and then everyone made fun of it, with The Office doing the best job. And now it's just kind of silly.


Delaware Hawk said...

i really wanted to see the shark make a guest appearance or at least have someone rock a club tril shirt

OhioBoiler said...

You cant really say they copied off of Ole Miss, flash mobs have been going on for sometime now. There was even a Purdue 'fountain worship' flash mob a while back. I don't think this one is bad though.

boilerdowd said...

I think all of them are bad. It's like the world is turning to the show glee or a musical.

I'm not down.

Erin said...

Yeah, I liked it. It was a fun way for them to showcase their new union hall.

Unknown said...

Im not trying to be a dick but Purdue did a flash mob 2 years ago at the Engineering fountain. This is a lot cooler than that one. I actually think its not that bad.

MattDSM said...

Damn them, but I still love that song.

Joe said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...

Plang said...

ND's is worse, by a country mile.

Anonymous said...

Journey and a flash mob??? Definitely conceived in Hell somewhere.I'm with Boilerdowd; they're all bad.

boilerdowd said...

It's not even Journey. It's a remake of Journey.

Journey sucked in the 80s. A remake of a Journey song by High School musical or whomever this was is worse.

Dancing to it to showcase a building in a pseudo-surprise does not make it better.

I've never seen the Purdue video...don't want to either. Flash Mobs aren't cool. There's no flashing and these choreographed dance crews aren't mobs.

Stupid name, stupid songs, fake surprises, bad dancing. The world is not a Disney movie.

Chris said...

Meanwhile, back at the Purdue Memorial Union, 50 students are fast asleep in recliners and sofas.

Damn those dirty humans that got rid of the Stripe Shop and their breadsticks.

Jon Sicotte said...

Well, at least I now know how Lost is going to end.

Jack leaps over Locke and the music kicks in...

boilerdowd said...

The Stripe Shop, while delicious, had awful service. I love that place, but everytime I went (usually a game weekend), it'd take me an 40minutes to an hour to get a ham and cheese sandwich or cheeseburger.

Good sandwiches...not that good.

Off to dancing class for me.

J Money said...

Jon Sicotte -- Your comment made me laugh. Well done.

B-dowd nails it with the Stripe Shop complaints... horrendous service was like a staple of that place for many years.

Chris said...

There was the Sweet Shop that had the grill and had the dining areas with old Purdue athletic memorabilia and the other side there was the Stripe Shop that was the pizzeria (if memory is correct). I agree the Sweet Shop was nothing special in the late 90s.

dasMetzger said...

yea... that was actually pretty cool

not everything has to be ghey and retarded when other schools do them, especially when they execute them well.

the ND video was a mess, but this OSU vid was well done

seriously, if purdue pulled that off during a breakfast club or something, got the cops involved to shut state st for 5-10 minutes, that would be simply awesome.

Unknown said...

See this is how its gotta be pulled off

Georiga Boiler said...

This is just like 28 Days Later. The virus started in a Liverpool train station and now it has crossed the pond and has invaded our universities. I personally am going to go home, lock the doors, curl in the fetal position and pray this all goes away.

Joe said...

With the deadline for making NBA decisions this weekend we need an update with Moore and Johnson!!!!

Keith said...

guitarablejack said it best. check his comment on the video.

purdue, boiler up! don't do something stupid like this.

J Money said...

Keith, I don't feel like searching... what was it?

Joe -- if there was an update, don't you think we'd be sharing it?? heh. We've been posting on our site as well as FB and Twitter whenever a nugget comes along...we're staying tuned just like you are.

dasMetzger -- No. No, sir. It was NOT "pretty cool." At least not in our opinion... and keep in mind we're old and uncool. It was a choreographed dance routine. Whoop-dee-doo. Do you think it's really cool and awesome when cheerleaders do this at a football game? Okay, fine. That's where it belongs. I'll also point out that that's when everyone goes to the can or gets a hot dog. Doing it in public like this is just cringe-worthy. And played out... it's not original anymore and even when it was it was kind of dorky.

acacia1602 said...

Wow, way too negative here. I liked it!

I thought this was really fun to watch and I imagine it would have been fun to see in person. Bunch of college kids show up and put on a show, do a nice job of it, so what if they are OSU?

You guys all get out of the wrong side of the bed?

Bloomington.Boiler said...

I agree; it really wasn't that bad at all. Just some kids putting together a little "flash mob". Have you seen Purdue's? Imagine if Ohio State had got down and worshiped a structure in the middle of their campus... You guys would run wild with it!

BoilerPaulie said...

I actually liked this. Yeah, life is not a Disney movie, but they did this better than any recent Disney movie I've seen. Well, I haven't really seen any Disney movies recently... but you get the point. I hope.

And for once, the O-H-I-O cheer was actually appropriate. And it had an end to it. I think that was the key.

There was a flash mob on campus here at Purdue last week... at least it was planned. I didn't go, I had class. For some reason "dead week" is never "dead" for me. I had three homework assignments due on Friday.

One more exam left then I am home free. PHYS 241 will no longer be the bane of my existence.

Mommatried said...

It's funny how all my OSU fans think this is the coolest thing to hit Columbus since Maurice Clarett. Everyone else in the Big Ten makes fun of it. If I made a video of me in a choreographed dance through the Union at Purdue...I would HOPE everyone I knew made fun of me because I'd deserve it.

Le Douche Le bags.

boilerbugle said...

does anyone else think their union looks like a shopping mall?