Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We're split here on racing, as you may have noticed. It's actually not that I actively dislike auto racing -- actually far from it. In fact, I'm by far the best driver at Boiled Sports.

It's just that sometimes auto racing seems to be collapsing upon itself. Cars got faster and faster until governing bodies began having to put controls on them so that people didn't die more frequently. Sometimes it feels like technology got so good in modern race cars and their engines that it was, well, too good. Thus restrictor plates, etc. (Yes, I know that example is a NASCAR thing.)

As a result, you now have nearly equal cars running around out there and winning races is often determined by who doesn't wind up in a wreck or who doesn't run out of gas. Am I wrong?

That said, if all the drivers looked like Milka Duno, I'd watch every race.


Hooba said...

Sideboob Tuesday? Me likey!

Purdue Matt said...

I'm with you JMoney....I try to get interested in auto racing, but I just can't. I know living in Indianapolis means I should care, but I don't.

zlionsfan said...

I found myself much less interested in racing once I stopped drinking. I will say that going to the Speedway with two coolers loaded with beer was an interesting feeling, considering I'd been to at least 100 pro and college games in various sports, none of which let you carry in anything (that they can see). I've seen NASCAR and F1 races at the track, not the 500 though.

I blame most of it on TV's horrible coverage of racing. Racing does not need 3 minutes of coverage and 3 minutes of commercials. I've lived in Indiana since '75, so I'd never seen the race on TV ... several years ago I was in Virginia (as I will be this year) for the weekend, and I saw for the first time why it's so much less interesting on television.

Racing needs soccer-style coverage: full-time coverage of the race and banners for ads. ABC/ESPN kind of had the right idea, but IIRC they still cut the sound over to the commercial and they show commercials. I want cars, standings, times, everything. I do not want to hear the same commercial for the 20th time while there's a dramatic pass or a terrible pit stop in silence.

I also look forward to more exposure from Milka. I meant, of her. Uh, something.

boilerdowd said...

Milka stinks at driving.
Her plastic surgery is mediocre at best.
She only has a job because she has Chavez's backing.
Name the time and the place, J and we can settle your delusional thoughts about driving.

Many of the leagues have made safety a priority- good! But, at the same time they've regulated things so tightly that the sport has lost a bit of its luster. Indy Car and Neckcar are both stuck a bit, if you ask me. Neither league has machines that thrill the audiences at this point.

On the other hand, the robot drivers at F1 have simply-amazing machines...but the product is pretty much soccer with high-pitched engines...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

acacia1602 said...

Milka. How appropriate.

I agree, more of this would make racing semi interesting. :)

J Money said...

Don't make me laugh, old man. You voluntarily CHOSE to drive a Honda Element. You resigned from being a real driver right then and there. And from being a man.

boilerdowd said...

You're all talk.

J Money said...

Your wife knows that isn't true.
