Friday, May 14, 2010

So much has changed!

Waaaaaaay back on April 7, one of EsPN's geniuses, Andy Katz had Purdue atop his top 25. He spoke of the upper classmen bolstering the team and how Robbie Hummel's knee, IF healthy would be a warm-fuzzy story for the nation to gobble up.


As JJ and Smooge have decided to return, and the docs and coaches are giving nothing but positive news about Rob's surgically-repaired knee, Katz, of course, has Duke jumping over Purdue into the #1 spot. This is because NOTHING changed for K's team since Katz last wrote his last dumb poll. Makes sense...right?

Well, to people out of the know like you and I, it might not seem logical, but to the little voices inside of Andrew's head, it makes complete sense.

Perhaps he's arguing with himself and Purdue can earn back the #1 during the summer with key additions and subtractions of nobody and no breaking news...OR...more likely, mind you, Purdue will be jumped by MSU as the Ostrich starts running, JJ gains 15 pounds of muscle, Smooge works on his first step and we find out the incoming Freshman are in great shape and hungry to get on the court.

Makes perfectly-good sense to it does to keep this boob employed. I guess if he and the network throw everything against the wall, eventually they'll be correct. Just as in his buckshot approach to whom he's "heard" might be joining the BT, eventually, he'll look like the smartest guy in the room...if he just keeps talking/writing.


boileraae said...

I like that he went from having us #1 to having to justify in his own head why he shouldn't put us behind Michigan State. At one time he had MSU a little lower because of the uncertainty around Lucas' blown out achilles. Now he only leaves them behind the Boilers because they're missing Raymar Morgan! Who cares if Kalen ever regains his old form?!


Purdue Matt said...

ESPN likes us better when we were getting tough breaks. That way they can say we would have been awesome without the threat of having been proved wrong. Now they are afraid to take the leap and support us.

Travis said...

He had Purdue #1 back then because it was his guess that Kyle Singler wouldn't be returning to Duke. He said that he felt Duke was #1 with his return.

Not that any of these rankings matter.

boileraae said...

When he had Duke #2, he said "this could change if Kyle Singler doesn't return". I take that as meaing he assumed Duke was getting him back.

acacia1602 said...

Travis, you've said it all. None of this means sh*t. It is all proven on the floor. If he want's to suck up to Duke, whatever. It's not like that hasn't happened before.

Whatever happened to this:
"Oh, and continuing our memo to the mainsteam media: We do not want any props from you anymore. We get accused of whining when you slight our program over and over and over. No more. We quit on hoping you wise up. Leave 'em for dead, it's fine with us. And that includes next year. We don't want to hear a damn bit of pro-Purdue out of stooges like Goodman at Fox, Parrish at CBS, Katz at ESPN, or any other similarly uninformed buffoon who hasn't watched a Purdue game all year. Suck it, all of you. We're through hoping for respect. Our boys will force you to not be able to ignore them. Kind of like they did -- again -- today.

Choo-choo, muthas."

'cause I thought that was the way to represent. Fuckem.

Bloomington.Boiler said...

Got him!