Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joe Tiller Fears Change and Good Football Teams

For those who didn't see it, our old pal Joe Tiller weighed in with his disconnected, fearful-sounding opinion on Big Ten expansion and, specifically, what the addition of Nebraska does to Purdue.

"You're adding an elite program that Purdue can't match from a financial point of view, and I don't care what the revenue sharing says," said Tiller, the program's all-time winningest coach who retired following the 2008 season.

It comes back to fannies in the seats, ability to generate money outside of gate receipts with alumni and friends of the university. Purdue doesn't have the same ability that Nebraska has.

In my candid opinion, it moves Purdue down a notch."

Fantastic! Thanks for the downer opinion, Coach! Thanks for finding a turd in the punchbowl!

Joe doesn't care what the revenue sharing says! He can see a financial loss all the way from his Wyoming porch rocking chair! Dag-nabbit, those Nebraska fans are trouble, I tell ya!

I also simply don't get the second paragraph of the quote. So Purdue can't generate as much from alums for their athletic programs as Nebraska can? Okaaaay, so what? So the increased revenues Purdue will see as the conference expands and can now have a title game aren't a good thing? Why? Because Nebraska sells out a lot? I fail to make the connection here.

It may move Purdue "down a notch" in the standings if Nebraska football continues their current trend of improving, but let's continue to keep in mind that this is not 1995 Nebraska football. They had a good year last year, but had fallen into disarray just a couple of years ago.

And even if you buy's Curmudgeonly Joe's stance on this, what about other big-time sports, such as basketball? One could argue Nebraska's weak-sister hoops program suffers by joining a better basketball conference than the Big 12, right? Is this microphone on? *tap tap*

Also, is this a dig at Purdue fans/alums who sell off their tickets to opponent fans?

"Very hard to get a seat there. It's always sold out," Tiller said of Memorial Stadium, which has sold out every game since 1962. "Nebraska people are fiercely loyal and unlike other institutions, it's hard to buy a ticket from a Nebraska fan."

Zing, John Purdue Club members! Suck on that!

Seriously, though, what's the point of Joe's commenting on this? Does Gene Keady do these kinds of things? No, he does not. He just visibly supports the program and stays out of it.

These kinds of comments reminded us of the reasons we were ready to see Cowboy Joe go. He was a breath of fresh air in 1997 for a program that desperately needed it. And we'll never forget what he did for us as fans/alums and for guys like Drew Brees. But this defeatist mentality and negative commentary is something we do not need.

So, thanks, Joe, but please keep your macabre comments to yourself. We've moved on. You should, too.


zlionsfan said...

I'm with you on all counts. The goal should not be to bring in enough weak programs that Purdue can make a bowl game simply by showing up, it should be to bring in quality competition that will contribute to the overall reputation of the conference (hello, baseball and women's volleyball).

We should expect our school to continue to improve its athletics so that it can continue to compete with the best in many sports. That isn't going to happen if we admit Virginia and Iowa State instead of Nebraska and Notre Dame.

Maybe he's thinking about how the WAC expanded. It sure worked in the short term for Wyoming, but perhaps not in the long term for the conference ...

PWS said...

You can bet we won't see a comment like this from Danny "The Danni-mal" Hope...He stares down challenges and asks, "why not us?" I have a hard time swallowing negative self-defeating talk like this. Facts may be facts (eg attendance, alumni dollar), but it is all the more reason for Purdue to pick it up. Would you JT prefer instead? Ball Sate? Phooey! Step up to the plate and be a man (Hope-style)

paulo said...

"Very hard to get a seat there. It's always sold out," Tiller said of Memorial Stadium, which has sold out every game since 1962. "Nebraska people are fiercely loyal and unlike other institutions, it's hard to buy a ticket from a Nebraska fan." That may not be a dig at "John Purdue Club members" as much as it is at Notre Dame. Does anybody remember this game?:

Plang said...

Never talk to Joe before he's had his oatmeal...

Ben C said...

If Joe Tiller had retired at the end (or middle!) of the 2004 season, he'd be (nearly) universally loved. Instead, he stuck around well past the time he seemingly stopped trying, and a lot of fans are lukewarm to him.

What always seems to get overlooked is that Tiller is not only the winningest coach in Purdue football history, he's also the losingest.

Unknown said...

Under Mollenkopf:
Riveters 28
Cornhuskers 0
They have not returned since.

boilerdowd said...

Great stuff, gentlemen...

Now, cue the shill 3-2-1...

BoilerNick said...

So wait, Nebraska's stadium is called Memorial Stadium? This will give us 3 Memorial Stadiums in the Big Ten or exactly 25%. Something must be done of this.

J Money said...

I hope they don't play basketball in their own Assembly Hall.

Unknown said...

that's why there is a keady court, named after the legend. there will never be a tiller field. thanks, joe. but no thanks.

PWS said...

Speaking of naming things, one would reasonably think Purdue will name something after John Wooden right? Not "Coach" Wooden, but John Wooden, the player. Since the obvious (court and stadium) are taken, what might it be? A statue of him as a player outside Mackey? Purdue likes college-aged statues...

Mommatried said...

Joe Tiller is a no talent ass clown. He won a total of 10 games over. 500 in conference during his 12 year tenure. During that time we had to endure listening to his contrite drivel that "we are not Michigan" and that the expectation to beat a team with those resources was unrealistic. Joe Tiller PLEASE go get lost in Wyoming. Purdue graduates have landed on the moon? Have you Joe Tiller? No. It is the responsibility of the sports program (something Joe never understood) to put a product on the field that is enticing. And when that happens, a magic fund-raising switch turns on and people open their wallets. I cannot believe I read a quote from Joe Tiller that actually said this puts Purdue down a notch. Joe, when you are relevant to this school....or until you've earned a degree from OUR institution...go blow your smoke up your wife's skirt because we don't want to hear it. Don't belittle me, my school or it's program. It is, in my HUMBLEST of opinions- JOE TILLER's fault that we are as behind the curve as we are. If I never heard from Joe Tiller again it would be too soon. Not to mention there is not a single player who has played for him who will sing his praises....every one of them will tell you he's a grade a A-hole right along with Morgan Burke.

Cardsman said...

Let's set the scene, shall we, of what Tiller means to me (during my 5 years at Purdue):

It's 3rd and 2 and Purdue has the ball on the opponent's 30-yard line. Purdue has been running the ball well so far...2nd quarter is winding down and the defense is trying as hard as they can (and doing fairly well) but is starting to wear down (they need a rest...not another 1-minute possession by the offense). Only down by 7 at this point. We are playing a top-tier team in the Big Ten standings.

What do we do?
3rd down...deep incomplete pass instead of running and getting the first down.
Should we go for it on 4th down and send a message to this team we ARE going to impose our will and win the game? Or at the very least try a field goal?
No, let's PUNT...have the ball roll out the endzone...give it to the opponent on the 20 (for only a 10 yard net gain) sissies!

THAT is the Tiller way! Great play calling and game management.