Friday, June 11, 2010

Weighing in on Izzo

He's not our alma mater's coach, but I like the guy and the program he's built. So when the whispers began that Izzo was a candidate for the Cavs job, I don't think most of us thought anything of it.

MSU fans have heard their coach's name thrown around for different jobs before...they're used to a quick dismissal by the diminutive and dominative coach and everyone goes on with their business...but this one has become more real. When the gigantic piles of money were officially put on the table in front of Izzo, he wisely decided to listen...and today he even went to beautiful Cleveland to interview for the post via a private jet.

I think staying for Izzo makes sense- he's the king of the city, the most-senior coach in the league and widely-respected in the college game as one of the best, if not greatest. But, the last few years, the message boards have had grumblings of Izzo not being completely happy...maybe there's truth to that.

If he goes, he couldn't ask for a better situation...with or without Bron Bron. If 23 stays, they'll win a lot of games and he'll be along for the ride as one of the few college coaches that has actually had success in the pros. If James leaves, no one will be expecting anything out of the Cavs other than a rebuilding effort he'll be safe from too many people questioning his abilities for at least a while...and he'll have a mattress full of money to give him a comfy place to lay his head at night.

The chapter after that is the real question, to me. Coach Tom might not want to coach too much longer, so this is one last chance to either bolster his bank account with a mountain of NBA money OR renegotiate one of his final 10 year (or so) contracts- a hefty one no doubt as he inches closer to retirement. He's in the driver's seat in a lot of ways and I think any of us would love to be where he is...but the MSU fans are along for this crappy ride right now, and I feel for them, I wouldn't want to go through what they're going through.

But, what they've been through during the last 15 years has been pretty amazing...that wouldn't be so bad to experience. Hopefully we as Purdue fans are at the beginning of such a run.


Bloomington.Boiler said...

If this were happening to our coach I would be devastated, and Izzo has done WAY more for MSU than Painter has for Purdue. I definitely feel for the MSU fans...

Plang said...

Personally, I'm not sure he will bolt. I think you are right, this is the best time for him to do it, but he's an MSU guy. He came up through the system and he is very good at what he does where he is at. King of Lansing is right. In the end, I think he stays; and squeezes a little more money out of MSU.

Unknown said...

Let's say he does bolt and coaches bron bron. Any chance MSU offers Painter? I've heard rumors of Crean, but Painter runs circles around the fivehead...

PWS said...

30 million guaranteed??? What is that compared to his current contract? 10 years worth?

He could coast into retirement much earlier with his head held high...Although MSU would be upset, they will still love him no matter the outcome. I wonder which way Lupe is pushing him...

PWS said...

John, I don't wonder about Painter, but I do wonder about Crean. He is an Izzo byproduct. Marquette is my second favorite team for family reasons and we were shocked he left for IU....that being said, I don't trust the guy and could easily see him jumping ship for East Lansing...He has a long road ahead of him in Bloomington and jumping on with an already talented program like MSU would be an easy out for him....

I wouldn't worry about Painter...I believe he sees the future (one he will have built) and would rather hang his hat on something he created at his alma mater than follow the coat tails of Izzo.

Unknown said...

A friend and Purdue alum just sent this post to me.

As a Michigan State Spartan, I wanted to compliment you on a great post. It isn't fun, but you hit the nail on the has been quite a run.

Keep staying classy in West Lafayette and best of luck on what is sure to be a special season for the Purdue Boilermakers.

Row Boilers said...

Do you think Rick Pitino is happy he took Boston's suitcase full of money?
Had he stayed at Kentucky would he have had congress with a woman in a restaurant? He's had a good stint at Louisville but staying at Kentucky might have left him as one of the top 2 or 3 coaches of all time.

Unless Izzo is unhappy for some reason (burn out of always recruiting, trying to keep 18 year olds out of jail, whatever) what does he need more money for? Is there some bauble he can't buy now?

boilerdowd said...

PWS- I think you're right on in regards to Lupe's input. He seems to be a guy who cares about what his wife thinks too.

Chris, thanks for stopping by...I hope you guys don't end up with Crean...simply because Sparty deserves better- I don't see Dwayne Wade walking through that door...and without Wade, the Forehead is nothing more than mediocre.

CalTravelGuy said...

I think one good argue that a bit of luck and good fortune took the Spartans to the last two Final Fours... It's not just some piece of coaching "brilliance" by Izzo. The fact is, it's Michigan State, not Duke or UNC or UCONN or UCLA. Maybe there is a chance he's seen his last Final Four and and high paying NBA job is attractive... just a thought.

boilerdowd said...

There's a skill at playing the right way at the end of the season. Clearly, 6 Final Fours and a National Championship show he knows how to prepare his team.

UCLA is pretty awful, UNC was horrible last year and UConn might be in large trouble with the NCAA very soon...I think I'd rather be MSU at this juncture. Izzo's teams are consistent and always show up in the tournament and put it together at the right time...I wouldn't call it luck.

PWS said...

Totally agree. 1 Final Four could be considered a fluke or luck (eg Brad Stevens at this point)....but 6? He's doing something right over and over and over.

At any point in one's career, you have to "consider" an offer like the one he's gotten from Cleveland. He be foolish not to even hear them out...and we know he is no fool.