Friday, July 23, 2010

Hey! It's Enrico Pallazzo!

Sometimes I'm reminded of how young some of our readers are. And this isn't a bad thing or a dig -- I think you guys are all great. It's just that sometimes the 10-15 year age gap between us here at BS and you youthful folks is significant in terms of pop culture.

I know we've all got our favorite movies and there are funny scenes we all remember. Well, today, since it's summertime and summertime generally means baseball, I wanted to share some of the funniest baseball scenes I think have ever been put on film, care of The Naked Gun from 1988. It's hard to believe this hilarious movie was 22 years ago, but it was. So if you haven't seen these, Leslie Neilsen is a bumbling detective who is trying to find a killer and as part of that assumes the identity of a major league umpire and then comes to enjoy it.

See the video, after the jump.

I absolutely love all the mocking of baseball's cheating, the signs, the spitting, etc. Pay close attention at the 2:20 mark and note how many players appear to be circling the bases. And my favorite, of course, is his examination of the pitcher who is cheating... but since he's got no murder weapon, he's good to go.

And here one more video from the same movie. They got pretty much every available broadcaster -- including some legends (Scully, Gowdy, Allen, etc.) -- to cameo and the best part of it is when they're watching the bloopers and a guy.... loses his head.

Priceless. Happy Friday.


Plang said...

What about the queen of England passing the hotdogs down the row or doing the wave (I think I'm thinking of the same movie). Priceless.

T-Mill said...

The Naked Gun is about the only thing that could make a Mariners-Angels game from that era matter.

The Accidental Expat said...

Ah, you whippersnappers get off my lawn-- One of the notable memories from my senior year was that I was at an off-campus party when basketball star Kip Jones-- Kip Friggin' Jones!! (also a senior)-- came in, which pretty much shot down any chance of me hooking up with this girl I had just met. I just looked him up, and looks like Kip is yet another branch of the Keady coaching tree-- he was recently announced as an assistant coach of IPFW women's hoops. Looking at his bio pic, all I gotta say is that I've aged much better than the Kipster-- take THAT girl-whose-name-I-never-found-out!

In all seriousness, props to Kip and another feather in Keady's cap-- his assistants at the time (Bruce Weber, Kevin Stallings, Steve Lavin), and now his players (including Cuonzo Martin, Linc Darner, and of course Matt Painter) have all had considerable success. Long may it grow.

Kip Jones' Bio page at IPFW sports:

The Accidental Expat said...

Oh, and I love the scene in "The Naked Gun" where Leslie Nielsen keeps his mic on and, um... heads to the bathroom. Classic stuff-- predates and sets the path of the gross-out humor of the Farrelly Brothers and Parker & Stone by well over a decade. Great movie.

Purdue Matt said...

When I think think funny baseball scenes, I think of Jimmy Dugan in League Of Their Own.

"Who's Lou????!!!!"
"Try using your head, that's the lump 3 feet above your ass!"