Thursday, July 08, 2010

A part of me will die a little. Again.

The drive.
The shot.
The fumble.
The move.
The decision.

Add another dagger to the heart of Cleveland sports fans. If of course, tonight goes down like I expect it to. With LeBron leaving for Miami, or Chicago, or New York, or New Jersey, or wherever else he feels he best fits in.

The saddest part is that the franchise that did everything it could to win and win now has limited itself to being a spectator for what happens tonight. They're handcuffed and over the cap and can't do much about it.

Regardless of what happens tonight, I'm a Cavs fan and while I root for the name on the back, it's only because of the name on the front.


Plang said...

Tim, I feel for you. I think he should stay, but I'm sure he will probably be heading south.

Erin said...

I feel like I am in mourning. I have loved watching LeBron. I just feel like I can't be a fan if he has on a Heat, Knicks, etc.. uniform.

Unknown said...

You can just enjoy watching him lose as the rest of us have for the past few years.

Anonymous said...

I feel for you too man. I am a Boilermaker fan living just 2 hours southwest of Cleveland in Ohio. I think one of the few things more heartbreaking than being a diehard Purdue sports fan is being a Cleveland sports fan. He is simply tearing the heart out of the city and does not know what the meaning of the word LOYALTY is. Burn on big river, burn on!

Plang said...

One whole hour of giving Cleveland the finger. Nice!

The Accidental Expat said...

Deadspin had one of the most concise, well-thought out articles on the subject-- dude's ego is so big it should apply for statehood, and ESPN is his willing enabler. I can't post the link here because it's NSFW (the title is in the link), but go to Deadspin, and I'm sure you'll spot it.