At UM's football post-season banquet, The menu was potatoes, carrots, braised beef (or chicken with cream sauce) and whine...provided by the head coach. There was also dancing by the team and coach to tunes by Josh Groben. Truly sounds like a magical night.
Late in the night, Roy Roundtree commented* on the event saying, "Unlike Purdue, this wasn't boring. What we saw tonight is the reason I came to Michigan."

Jovial RichRod

Enthusiastic RichRod

Suspicious RichRod

Supportive RichRod

Theatrical RichRod

Concerned RichRod

Pensive RichRod

Content RichRod

Nauseous RichRod

Cockshur RichRod
*Roundtree might or might not have said it...but he thought it.
Yes, yes I am sure that Roundtree thought it.
You may want to warm up a picture of "Fired RichRod".
THANK YOU! I saw in a poll, I believe on the BTN, that he was the least desired coach to play for in the Big Ten.
Ricardo Allen needs to eat him some Roy Roundtree.
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