Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Gameday Experience

ESPN's College Gameday filmed two hourlong shows (one on ESPNU and one on ESPN) in Mackey Arena today and the students brought it. There was a buzz on Twitter about the experience and even tweets from non-Purdue folks saying that anyone who wants tips on how it should be done should check out the Paint Crew.

The Crew also gave it to Digger, who, to his credit, took it fairly well. We have reports that he bought food for those camping out and we saw video evidence of him dancing to the Boiler Brass. He also took no fewer than 3 or 4 shots from Rece Davis about how he wasn't ever willing to play Purdue when he was the UND coach, citing at one point, the fact that "there aren't any roads to West Lafayette." I give Rece credit for nailing that one. It's something we've discussed for years -- and a lovely tradition of cowardice that Brey continues to this day -- and it was nice to see it recognized.

The crew commented as well on what a great atmosphere it was and that you won't find more loyal fans with better spirit than in Mackey. Hubert says it is "one of the best places to watch a college basketball game." All I could think of was, wow, imagine if the students were allowed to own an entire side of the arena like that for an actual game. Mercy.

Hubert Davis' workout with Rob was a very cool segment, focusing on Rob the person and his dedication (and sense of humor) rather than just, oh, jeez, how does Purdue go on?? I especially loved Rob giving him crap about his Knicks days and the infamous Charles Smith layups.

As for why Bob Knight wasn't there, we heard that he is only contractually obligated to do a certian number of these on-campus shows and evidently elected not to be in West Lafayette. Kind of disappointing since when he came back to call a game he really came off well with the students and had a sense of humor about his history against Purdue.

Sadly, Erin Andrews had only about a two minute appearance on the ESPNU broadcast, but it was a nice two minutes, as she interviewed E'Twaun on the floor of Mackey.

As for a few more pictures of the even, check out the below or our feed on Twitter.

No, you're not all getting credited for your pics because we're doing 900 things at once at the moment. But thanks very much for sharing, both here and on the Tweeter.

I was also especially proud of our people for their respectful moment of silence in remembrance of the Oklahoma State tragedy of ten years ago. Sure, I know they were likely advised that they'd be coming back from that segment and it would be somber, but the reports from inside Mackey were that it was "eerily silent" throughout the entire Oklahoma State video segment. And then to come back focused on the fans with the OSU flag up in honor....well, that was a nice moment. And again, you guys represented us all very well and that was just one of the ways.

We now hope the Paint Crew is resting up and getting ready to bring it again tonight. A nice 9 PM Eastern start against Izzo and company. Should be an absolutely madhouse.


John J. said...

When I went to lunch after Gameday, an idea hit me. The students obviously aren't ever going to get those sideline student section seats like the Izzone or the Cameron Crazies or a bunch of other student sections across the country. But what if for just one game each year the students could be privileged with those primo seats? I know, I know, this is about as likely to happen as IU is to have a winning Big Ten Season this year, but I feel this is a bit of a compromise between the (relatively) poor seats the students are going to end up with after Mackey is done being renovated and having a permanent sideline lower bowl student section.

Michael R. said...

So far this is my favorite sign.

Unknown said...

Quality find, Michael R.

The reason EA wasn't on screen more was that she was too busy hitting on Rob.

You can see it on the GameDay segment filmed during the shoot-around (Rob's sitting by the Paint Crew).

She's been hitting on him for 3 years, but unfortunately, he's always been injured.

Brad said...

About the student seating.... can we just let it go already? A major realignment is not gonna happen and as much crap as some of you seem to give the rest of the crowd they were pretty into it tonight. Granted it may be in a different manner than the Paint Crew. I come from a long line of Boilers, I was 3rd row in the Gene Pool from '01 to '05 and have been sitting in the lower bowl since I could walk. Sure, there are times when the alumni could be more boisterous, but no alumni in the nation seem more loyal and dedicated. When the team was in the crapper and the student section was half full these diehards were still there. Screaming at every foul and following every cheer. Premier seating is a privilege for older and successful alumni that give back to our great university. That's just the style of Purdue. Respect those that came before you. Even if they are 60 years old and can't yell "IU Sucks" as loud when we aren't playing our rivals (don't even get me started).


Let's keep pushing towards a Championship,