Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maurice Creek Down Indefinitely

Maurice Creek of Indiana basketball fractured his right kneecap against Michigan over the weekend, which is the opposite kneecap that he fractured in December 2009. Goodness. That's a bit scary and freaky.

There's a certain strange symmetry to this injury and Rob Hummel's twice-blown knee ligaments. I guess what I'm saying is that for those who live and die with IU basketball, while we don't like you.... we can feel for you. This sucks.

And more importantly, it sucks for Maurice Creek. No matter whether you like a guy or not, this should not be something that you revel in or enjoy seeing. As we've said before, even when guys get hurt who we really don't like (see Evan Turner last year), we root for them to be okay and to get back to playing healthy.

So as Purdue fans, resist the urge to make remarks to IU fans. They're already suffering and this is an almost unfair blow. Sure, there were jerks who actually made jokes about Rob's misfortune -- but let's not be like them.

Be proud, respectful, sportsmanlike Boilermakers instead.


Jenny said...

Well said. Besides, it's not as much fun crushing them if they aren't playing at their best.

Wishing Creek a speedy recovery!!

Erin said...

It is awful anytime anyone gets hurt, even if they play for your rival. It is the kid's future. And that is more important then anything in the end. Tough break for Creek.

zlionsfan said...

That's terrible luck for him and for IU. I hate to see something like this ... it's never good to see a kid injured, especially not on multiple occasions.

I, too, would prefer to see Purdue whip IU when the Hoosiers are running on all cylinders. It isn't the same when Indiana is struggling to make the NIT.

BoilerUpAT said...

Sorry to see that happen to them, again. I know what it feels like, I'm sure we all do by now.
Speedy recovery young man

H. Jones said...

They ran a Kravitz article in the Indy Star for Creek. Kravitz suggesting that Hummel should and will reach out to Creek. Hummel already has... glad to know that even as the universities that these players are representing are bitter rivals, that as players and competitors they seem helpful and supportive of each other. That shows the true heart of champions right there.