Thursday, February 10, 2011

Handsome Hour!! 2/9/11

The most handsome fellows in the blogosphere get together for a chat...

They talk LewJack...

They talk Kelsey Barlow...

And look ahead at what's coming...

Stick around for the cliff hanger ending!!

Tune in now!
Listen to internet radio with Boiled Sports on Blog Talk Radio

(please stick with us as we try to circumvent the roadblocks placed in front of us by Blog Talk Radio's policy changes!! Thanks.)


Anonymous said...

The podcast just sort of cuts off there at the end. Blog Talk radio leading the nation in technological blunders. Otherwise great stuff!

Georiga Boiler said...

That may be the best ending to a podcast yet. Made me laugh.

boilerdowd said... really keeps you guessing- What's J going to say next?????

I guess you'll just have to tune in.

BTR stinks- they gave us no warning of the abrupt cutoff. Thanks for listening.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed the fake cliff-hanger, followed by a real one. Riveting stuff...or is it?

Keep up the good work, even with the sub-par workings of Blog-Talk Ra

boilerdowd said...

Thanks as always, Finn. You're really a