Tuesday, February 01, 2011

I am so S-M-R-T (and notes)

Signing Day almost here

A few weeks ago, I previewed the incoming recruiting class. Two of my favorite players were, of course, A.J. King and Russell Bellomy.

My wisdom knows no bounds.

Russell Bellomy is set to become a Wolverine after a glorious visit to Ann Arbor (I've actually heard she gets around). Now that the dust is all settled, there's really only one thing that bothers me about the Bellomy situation, this quote:
"That's going to be a fun game (v. Purdue), but at the end I am going to shake their hand and look them in the eye and there are no hard feelings."
That's great. Russell has no hard feelings toward Purdue...good to know. I mean, you'd think when a kid gets recruited by a team, they pay for multiple visits, put all of their 'eggs' in his basket, the fans shower him with compliments, he'd have at least some ill will toward that school...Ammiright??

And more recently, A.J. King's schollie was pulled following a slow recovery to a knee injury. I'm not sure if I like this move a whole lot. But, it could be that Hope is simply gun shy of guys with pre-existing knee conditions right now (especially knee injuries). As of late, the football program has been little more than a recovery ward. Let's also not forget that Ralph Bolden came in with an injured knee and later was injured again. Also, Ishmael Aristide had a knee injury that kept him off the field for his Senior season and he still hasn't gotten his quickness back to where he was.

I hope King lands some place and succeeds...this stinks for him.

Signing day is tomorrow...I'm still hoping to see a late OL signing...but I'm not holding my breath.

Must Win?
Our Boilers came close in two-straight contests on the road versus quality opponents, but couldn't get the job done. Purdue has three games on the road remaining versus top-40 opponents...and all of them look winnable from where I stand. But, to win one, in my opinion, you've gotta figure some things out in a hurry. Tonight would be a great time to start.

Let's remember, Purdue is one of the only teams that's ever swept Wisconsin since the Kohl Center opened...Plus, this Senior class was part of the group that did that. Since Hummel has been the Badger killer in the past, hopefully he can impart some of his wisdom on the guys who are available for the job this time around. Methinks it'll almost have to be Smooge to make it happen. Regardless of whom makes it happen, it'll be no small task.

Tip-off is tonight around 7:00 on EsPN.


Anonymous said...

How can you castigate the kid who de-committed from Purdue because of all the love and time Purdue gave him and at the same time not see the hypocrisy with regards to how Purdue handled the King situation?

Hope continued to lead King on after the surgery and even had him on campus as late as December. Now, he pulls the offer after all his other options have already filled their schollys.

The injury concerns at Purdue are understandable but Hope completely botched how he handled the King situation.

Anonymous said...

Now, he (Hope) pulls the offer after his (King) other options have already been filled

*now he will be relegated to Ball State when he had other better options all along

King's coach will now not let Purdue recruit his school that has multiple state championships

Patrick said...

Why is everyone now so touchy feely over this whole king situation? There is no touchy feely in football. First off, we don't know the whole situation; we are hearing just one side of the story. I'll be surprised if Hope doesn't comment on this tomorrow, when he is allowed.

How can this make recruiting tougher? Winning will impact recruiting infinitely more than any negative PR that may arise from this.

Boiler_Ditsor said...

Hope the badger fanatics get stuck at home in the blizzard.

Unknown said...

While I feel bad for the kid down in Florida, I think its ridiculous to have some kind of grudge over this situation. I'm sure most of us have had injuries that affected our lives in many ways, some more than others.

But most of us also grow up and realize that its an indifferent world, and we pick up the pieces and make the best of it.

To make Purude and/or Hope seem like the bad guy here is silly. There's no sympathy when it comes to signing guys. And the kid from TX...yeah, that stinks but that is his right as an immature kid.

Unknown said...

Hope has proved time and time again that he has no clue how to coach, lacks discipline, or even understands the basics of timeout usage. In my opinion the terrible coaching, play calling and/or ineptitude is directly responsible for these losses: ND '09, NIU '09 (great call with 2 reverses to open the game by the way), MSU '09, Toledo '10, Illinois' 10 (admitting that he had no game plan on the radio post game show was the final straw for me), Wisconsin '10, MSU '10, and IU '10 (playing in the IU end zone set the last straw on fire).

However, all of those losses pale in comparison to the absolute classless move surrounding King. I have lost all respect for Hope. I can only hope that King gets a solid late offer and that Sumlin or Spack is roaming the sidelines at RA in '12. I love the blog but I must say that if Joe Tiller had pulled this same move you would have called for his head.

Hate to call out and possibly anger a fellow Boiler but I had to vent about Hope and his unusual (read asinine) ways. Thankfully Matty and boys give us something to cheer about, provided the power stays on.

Plang said...

Me thinks Smooge better start playing for his future. He isn't impressing any scouts with the way he has disappeared over the last month.

dozer8589 said...

Recruiting is a two-way street. Verbal commits protect both the athlete and the school.

In Bellomy’s case, he was presented with a more attractive offer, and he chose what was best for him. He did it late in the process, but well within the rules.

In King's case, his recovery may not have progressed as well as Purdue's coaching/training staff was anticipating. Purdue did what was best for them. We did it late in the process, but well within the rules.

In both cases the "jilted" parties are going to feel hurt and maybe bitter. It's understandable. But the Purdue/King situation is not unique. I guarantee that for every one Division I player on the field, there are ten guys who could've made it, but were injured in high school.

Also, we don't know what transpired in King's most recent trip to campus. Interviews? Drills? Until Purdue is free to tell their side of the story, we don't know what was discovered to warrant pulling the scholarship.

Just saying....

Unknown said...

Agree 100% that recruiting is a 2 way street. Since it is a two way street if you are going to be critical of Roundtree and Bellamy then you must be critical of Hope as well. The flip side is, of course, that you would be critical of neither.

I also take the position that Hope as the highest paid employee of the university should represent the university in a respectful manner. The on field antics after the Michigan game in '09, the general standoffishness with everyone, and the late pulling of a scholarship all of which resulted in negative media publicity do not scream ambassador of the university.

J Money said...

That's an impressive photo. All the good-looking women in Wisconsin posed together at one time.

IceT said...

Division 1 athletics are not a charity. If someone isn't physically up to caliber, then tough! Purdue's athletics, and every other university for that matter, isn't in the business of putting guys through college just because we "promised." If what Hope did offends you, perhaps you should start watching soccer or women's cross country instead

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with people who feel like Hope has the right to do that... just don't bitch about players who do the same to Hope

Purdue Matt said...

The fact that Michigan is now poaching 3 star recruits from Purdue shows how far they have fallen. At least when DickRod stole Roundtree from Purdue and Shaw from PSU they were 4 star guys.

Unknown said...

Ron said it perfectly. You can't have it both ways. Can't bash Roundtree and give Hope a pass, it doesn't make logical sense. Perhaps Hope should do his research BEFORE offering a kid a scholarship. Do you think the university would offer an academic scholarship before checking a kids grades, SAT scores, and conducting an interview. If they did it would be suspect. However, those of you that are defending Hope are essential condoning this action. Defend him if you want, but personally I will be a voice for change because to me this incident is just further proof that the man in charge of the one football program I truly care about is clueless and must go.

As a two time alum (BS '01, MS '06) and 13 years season ticket holder (plus numerous years before that with my parents) I think I have earned the right to be critical of Hope without someone telling me I should watch women's cross country.